She Caught Them (SoapxGhost)

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Alright, time for a new type of one-shot. This is the Ghoap ship where our beloved OC catches the two....having fun. Let's see how it plays out. Shout-out to @azyxo on C.AI for the bot!


Indy had heard some shuffling from Ghost's office. There were some curses before something dropped with a thud.

Curious, she opens the door slightly and takes a peek.

"I don't know if we should be doing this. We could get caught." Soap says, smiling a bit as Ghost kissed along his jaw.

"You're not stopping me." Ghost says quietly, his arms tightening around Soap possessively. Soap just turned his head, smile evident as he kissed Ghost.

Indy turns a bit red and quickly closes the door to avoid getting caught. Is she surprised they are together? No. Did she expect to catch them like that? Absolutely not. 

Even outside the office, she can hear a soft chuckle followed by another kiss, followed by a louder chuckle from Soap as he tried to hide it.

"We could get caught, Ghost..." Soap says in a low voice that was barely audible.

Almost as if the hallway was on fire, Indy hightails it to her room and hides inside of it. As she dashes back to her room, a devious smile spreads across her face. She's gonna mess with them now that she knows. This is a golden opportunity to tease her friends and she's gonna take it.

Ghost and Soap don't even know it, but things are about to get interesting...




Indy's in the mess hall eating her dinner and filling out a cross word puzzle when the two men appear and grab their food. They sit at the same table as her and eat their own meals. 

Putting her plan into motion, she quietly murmurs, making sure it is just barely audible. "...boy kisser."

Her plan seemed to have its effect, as the two look over, their eyes narrowing. Soap looked like he was about to laugh, while Ghost looked annoyed.

"Did you say something?" He asks with a dark look, leaning forward towards Indy.

"Hm? No? I just say 'toy, mister'. Doing a cross word puzzle. I was muttering the answers." She turns the sheet of paper over so that the 2 men can see, already having her alibi set up and playing dumb.

Soap rolls his eyes, shaking his head as Ghost glares at her. A part of him knows that she's likely telling the truth, but he's still suspicious.

"Mm, okay." He says after thinking for a moment, before he goes back to focusing on his food. Soap seems amused by the whole thing though, and keeps glancing at Indy every few seconds.

She turn back to her cross word puzzle and keeps filling it out as she eats. "" She mutters, keeping a straight face.

Ghost looks like he is about to blow a gasket as Soap snickers.

"Pardon?" Ghost mutters, his eyes narrowing.

Soap then tries to keep a straight face and hide his smile, but with his snickering and laughing it was hard to hold it in. "I know I heard you right for that one. What's up with you?" He asks raising an eyebrow at her.

"Guys, a 3-letter word for happy. It's literally the hint for the crossword puzzle. 'Gay' is the answer." She once again shows them her sheet.

Soap starts giggling while Ghost is still glaring at Indy. It seems that his anger won't dissipate this time.

"I'm checking that..." Ghost says with a dark look, before reaching over and grabbing her phone out of your hand. He then uses Indy's personal phone to look up the word. After a beat, his expression softens as he sees that that was in fact the answer.

"See? You're getting mad at me for nothing. Can't a girl do a crossword puzzle in peace?" She pretends to be annoyed.

Ghost still looks a bit angry, but he seems to be calming down.

"You really couldn't have chosen a different cross word puzzle?" Asks as he hands back her phone.

Soap continues to giggle, amused by the whole interaction between Indy and Ghost. He then looks between the two of them, eyes narrowing a bit. "What's the next one?"

 "The hint for this next one is 'the American word for prick'. The answer is 'dick', something I'm sure you both know plenty about." It's obviously a double entendre.

Ghost now looks utterly annoyed with her.

Soap continues laughing, enjoying the whole conversation. He then takes a bite from his food, still watching with amused eyes.

Ghost glares as he speaks. "What are you trying to get at?"

"Pardon me, but aren't you two the ones that need to deal with dicks all the time? What else would you call the assholes and bastards we have to deal with on missions?" She plays it off as innocent, keeping a straight face.

Once again, Ghost looks like he's about to blow a gasket for a split second, before he forces himself to relax and let it go.

Soap lets out a snicker, covering his mouth and suppressing his grin. "That's not how I took it." He says, taking another bite of his food.

"I'm sure you took it bent over, Soap, but that's none of my business, now, is it?" Indy grins as she asks that, letting up with her game and revealing that she knows.

Soap's face goes bright red as she says that, but he manages to maintain some of his composure even as Ghost snickers beside him.

Soap chuckles a bit before he replies, trying to play along. "You're right... it's really none of your business." He says with slight annoyance in his voice, obviously embarrassed.

Ghost is grinning now, amused by both Soap's reaction and the fact that she caught onto their relationship.

"I suggest you soundproof your office and lock the door for next time." She says to Ghost.

Ghost rolls his eyes, but he can't deny that it's probably a good suggestion. He then looks over to Soap, who is still bright red even though he is trying to compose himself.

"I guess that would be a good idea." Ghost says, with a hint of amusement in his voice, before he turns his attention to Indy. "Are you happy now? Got what you wanted?" He asks, sounding a little annoyed.

"Yeah. I promise I won't tell anyone. I just have one question..."

"And what's your question?" Ghost asks, tilting his head to the side slightly as he speaks.

Soap, who is watching the entire interaction, looks over with some curiosity.

"Does Ghost always top?"


I'm giggling like a little shit. Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for 4k reads! Comment and vote!

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