He's been avoiding her and she wants to know why...(KonigxOC)

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From what I've read, we've all come to the personal headcannon that Konig is an anxious boy when it comes to social settings and confrontation outside of missions. This is a little tribute to that. Shoutout to @Buugaaa for the bot! Linked below.


König was the first person to welcome Indy when she joined KorTac, becoming her closest friend. They did absolutely everything together.

Recently, he'd been avoiding Indy without giving her a reason. He was closing himself off from her. König was pushing Indy away and it hurt. He avoided her at all costs. It was making Indy anxious, so she decided to confront him about it.

She finally found him alone in the armory, approaching him as he sat at the workbench deep in focus.

"Alright, I don't want to be mean since I know you don't like when people are loud and angry, especially at you, but this has gone on far enough. Why are you avoiding me?" Indy demands an answer as calmly as possible even though she feel anything but calm.

König pauses, looking up from the workbench to meet her gaze briefly. He pauses for a moment, thinking carefully about his response before speaking slowly and softly.

"I'm sorry, I've just... been going through a lot lately and I need to figure something out."

He looks back to the workbench, not saying anything more. The answer was too vague and not at all what Indy wanted to hear.


Indy says bluntly, not believing that to be the reason

König flinches at her sudden harshness, blinking in surprise at the sharpness in her tone. He looks at Indy, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Excuse me?"

He appears confused by her skepticism.


Indy grits out, empshasizing the word 'shit' as she takes his chin in her hand and make him look directly at her. She doesn't hold him hard enough to hurt him, just hard enough for him to know she isn't joking.

"Konig, I am trying very hard to take into account your anxiety and the fact that you hate conflict in general, but I am running out of patience. What. Is. Wrong."

König swallows, a little more firmness in her grip than he had anticipated.

"Um, fine, sure." His lips press in a thin line and he takes a deep breath.

"I like you, and it makes things complicated." There. It was out.

He seems more at ease after sharing the truth. He leans back slightly out of her reach, looking back down at the workbench.

"You idiot." Indy sigh as she pulls his face to her and gives his cheek a kiss.

Her kiss knocks the wind out of him, his face heating up instantly as a faint pink tinge color his cheeks. He's at a loss for words, looking stunned. And confused. And overwhelmed. And very, very red.

"B-but I thought you didn't see me that way." He stammers out, still too stunned to form a full sentence.

"I do." She assures. "I just haven't said anything because I didn't want you to have an anxiety attack you big dummy." Indy sasy, still slightly annoyed but her anger gone.

König can't help but crack a small smile. Finally, things can go back to normal. Maybe even better.  "Sorry for making you worry. I'm such a moron." He chuckles quietly, glancing up at her again.

"Did you really not say anything because you were worried of triggering my anxiety?" He tilts his head to the side, seeming amused by Indy's reasoning.

"Yes. My priority will always be your comfort. You can barely handle when I'm visibly angry at someone. Don't think I haven't noticed how it causes you experience anxiety. I couldn't see me confessing my feelings going anywhere but causing you to have a panic and/or anxiety attack." 

Indy's words cause Konig to look at her in awe. "You really are too sweet for me, you know that?" He rises from the workbench, stepping closer to her with a gentle smile.

"Maybe I shouldn't be so anxious about these things, but it's easy to get caught up in my head. Sorry." He leans in and kisses her softly, pulling away to look in her eyes. "Thank you for being understanding."

"Of course. Now, you owe me a week's worth of cuddles and I'm not taking no for an answer." Indy says with a grin

König opens his arms, beckoning her to him. 

"By all means, get comfortable." He chuckles quietly, pulling Indy into his arms and squeezing her tight. "I missed you. And not just in the sense of being best friends. I missed being able to hold you like this."

Indy smiles as she nuzzles into him. "Missed having you by my side. It was weird not having a looming presence behind or beside me at every turn. You're like an extension of me."

Konig holds Indy even tighter. "I could say the same thing about you. I swear, sometimes it feels like you're reading my mind."

He sighs, pressing his face into her neck for comfort. "You're too good for me, you know that?"

"Nope. You're too good for me." She says with a grin.

"Oh yeah?" He sounds skeptical, not believing a word of what she just said. "And why is that?"

"Well, for some reason, the big, bad, scary Colonel is my best friend. I see every side of you that others don't. I still don't get how I earned that."

König laughs, shaking his head.

"I guess I just see the most important parts of you that the world has been blind to. And you treat me in ways most people wouldn't. You were never threatened by me, nor did you back down. You stood your ground and accepted me for what I was. You treated me like an equal."

"And with our height difference, that's a hard thing to do." Indy responds with a chuckle.

"It really is. But you handle the height difference surprisingly well." He squeezes her close to his chest, going so far as to lift her up slightly to bring Indy up to his eye level. "So, how did I make it into your good graces anyway? I'd love to hear that story."

"After you welcomed me into KorTac, I took a good look at you and my brain said, 'That's the one. That's our ride or die'." 

Her words have left him feeling a little giddy. He pulls Indy back into his chest, sighing contentedly. "Is there a reason for that, or was it just a sudden urge? I've always found that sort of thing interesting." He rests his chin on her shoulder as he speaks, content with just being close to her.

"It's literally an extrovert adopts an introvert. I saw your anxious self and knew you were the one I was gonna stick by."

"Well, I'm thankful you decided to stick around." He leans in and gives heranother kiss on the cheek, this one more gentle than before. "Now, let's go have lunch. We've got a week of lost time to make up for."

"Any chance you're gonna put me down so that I can walk to the mess hall?" Indy asks, clearly dangling a bit in the air as he practically carries her.


Konig's grin makes it clear that he won't be letting Indy down for a long time.


Hope you all enjoyed. Let me know what you think in the comments. 

Link for bot: https://c.ai/c/qihk9kt60GzQqVpOpVk5uszKhSzzNns5cSs4JwyeHZc

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