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She was avoiding him and he hated it.

They lived under the same roof, in the same room, shared the same bed, heck even breathed the same air yet for Zyva, Azlan was a plague. Everytime he came into a room, she exited. Everytime he called her, she made some or the other excuse avoiding him at all costs. It seemed to him as if she was trying to get under his skin.

Seeing her all chatty with his brother made him want to snap Ammar Sikandar's neck like a twig. Their parents were seated not far away chatting post family dinner. An idea brewed in his head as he suddenly got up dusting his pants.

"Zyva, can you come with me? I am unable to find an important file." He smirked, knowing well enough she wouldn't refuse his advances in front of their parents.

"You haven't searched only. How will you find it?" Zyva mumbled back gritting her teeth, still not meeting his gaze.

"Arey! Jao, Zyva! Go help him, it must be something important." Her mother chimed causing his smirk to widen further, seeing her get up with a glare on his face. Bingo.

With her leading the way, he followed close behind, finally he could have her to himself. She had no way out. Since they had kissed a few days back, his mind had become a jumbled pile of electric wires. He wanted to feel her soft skin under his palms, to kiss her senseless, everywhere, all at once. Her warm embrace that she was depriving him from. He hadn't slept properly since then, even in his dreams she tormented him restless. Desperation filled him like never before.

As soon as they reached their room, Azlan bolted the door as his minx of a wife headed towards his filing cabinet, mumbling to herself. Surely profanities about him.
"What file is it that you want?"

Azlan took brisk steps towards her, caging her in his arms. He could feel her breath hitching as she froze, her back pressed against his chest. He dropped his head in her hair, as he inhaled deeply, humming in odd satisfaction.
"Why are you avoiding me? Is it because of the kiss?"

"No—no...its not like that." Zyva shivered, her hands tightening on the edge of the cabinet, this caused Azlan to press himself further into her body.

"Then what is it like?"

"Y-you won't understand..." She breathed heavily now. Her chest rising and falling in seductive waves.

"Try me, sweetheart. I haven't yet mastered the art to interpret your silences, but you can teach me, right?" Azlan whispered as gently as he could, his head ever so slightly lifting from her hair.

Sighing deeply Zyva turned around, why was he so understanding?, she finally met his gaze. His eyes held a soft romance to them, a kind of magic she had only ever seen in movies.
"It feels weird.."

"What feels weird?" He questioned, leaning a little away from her, as his arms unconsciously wrapped themselves around her waist. Like magnets drawn to each other.

"Us. It feels like I am living all this inside my mind. It feels like none of this is real. I am scared you will realise how much of an immature idiot I am and eventually leave me.." Zyva whispered, vulnerably as her hands fiddled with his shirt. Gaze lowered.

"Zyva, sweetheart. This is as real as it gets. This—" He pointed at himself and then at her with his finger before continuing, " You and Me are forever. Beautiful, Chaotic, Unhinged. Everything that you are, you look like the rest of my life."

Zyva's cheeks turned red as her eyes finally lifted, finding their home in his. Her arms wrapping around her husband's waist.
"Do you mean that?"

"Of course. I do! Here I thought you were avoiding me because I kissed you. Do you realise how excruciatingly painful it was? I felt like such a loser." Azlan let out a frustrated noise that sounded more like whine causing Zyva to giggle out, as she pulled him towards their bed.

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