Chapter 1:

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Aidan removed his graduation cap as he stepped away from the stge. The ceremony was officially over, and it was already getting late. He was exhausted, working late-night shift at the café, and having to get up early for the practice run-through for graduation took its toll. All he wanted now was to lie in his bed and sleep. Sure, today was an emotional day, the people he went to school with would all be going their separate way, but he wasn't exactly close to anyone.

He dodged the moving bodies as people stood in his way chatting with their friends and loved ones, something he didn't have to worry about. The only family that cared for him was his grandfather, and he passed away do to heart problems. His parents didn't care, considering they gave up all rights to his grandfather because they couldn't deal with Aidan's attitude. Which isn't something he had then, he just corrected them when they said something incorrect.

So, now he lived alone, emancipated, and caring for himself with the home that his grandfather left to him and the life savings his grandfather had. On top of the checks, he was getting at the café he worked at.

Maybe I should go to the lake house on the weekend before worrying about college. Enjoy a few weeks there. I haven't been there since the old-man passed away.

Aidan was snapped out of his thoughts when someone bumped into him, causing him to almost trip but he managed to catch himself from face planting the ground. That was another reason why he hated crowded places, he was 5'0, which is really short for a 16-year-old male.


He flinched before turning around to see Jessica running towards him, the best she could. She wore her graduation gown unzipped showing her all-white, way-too-short dress, and pink heels. Her lips were extremely glossed over, and her hair was curled falling over her shoulders. She was the most popular girl in school, and probably one of the more 'gorgeous' girls, according to the guys. She was gorgeous, just not his type. He preferred girls more natural looking, kind of plain looking. They were more real. If he was straight, his ideal girl would be the same as him: hoodie, sweatpants, and staying inside unless they went on dates.

Alas, he didn't have to worry about that because he wasn't exactly straight. A wet noodle was straighter than him, and he didn't date and had no intention too.

"Hey, Jess, what's up?" Aidan asked, running a hand through his short brown hair. He tried to keep the exhaustion and annoyance out of his voice. So, he just flashed her a small smile.

"Are you going to the graduation at Justin's house?"

"No, I wanna get home and go to bed, I worked and late and gotta get up early again tomorrow."

"Oh, come on, this is our last night to spend together before we go our separate ways. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have graduated or would have cut it extremely close. We owe you one, even if it means forcing you to have a little fun."

"It's no need to thank me, really. I did what the teacher told me, and it was no big deal."

"You know, Orlando will be there too..." Jessica said, with a grin on her face. Aidan just stared at her, confused.

"Okay? What does that have to do with me?" Aidan didn't mean for it to come off as rude, he was just confused.

"Aren't you two like best friends?"

"No, he was just a classmate that I helped tutor one on one."

"Really? He clung to you for the last two years."

"Well, probably because we were both anti-social and we are both pretty awkward."

"Maybe he likes you, you should give it a shot," Jessica encouraged.

"I am not interested in dating, now I really have to go. I may or may not show up tonight. We will see. Bye."

Aidan left before she could object, rubbing his temples. He made a bee-line to the doors but right before he could open them, he was suddenly the center of attention. There were a lot of camera flashes, and college scouts. He blamed his principal or this. His principal had literally shared his IQ with the press and colleges so everyone knew of his IQ.

He always tried to pretend to be more stupid than he really was but it was already too late, since when he was younger, he was already declared as the youngest genius.

Aidan covered his eyes as several college scouts took notice of him, rushing towards him. He tried to get away t he was soon surrounded by them all.

"Aidan, have you decided what college you are going to yet?"

"What major are you thinking about?"

"Any plans for he future?"

"No, teaching, yes," he answered in short answers, trying to dodge them. He hated when attention was on him especially since he wasn't the only graduated.

"Aidan, is I true that your grandfather was also a genius?"

"What's your IQ? Is it the same as your grandfather's?"

He ignored those questions, pushing his way through the crowd.

"It's said that you could have graduated when you were 12, is that true? If so, why didn't you?"

"No comment," Aidan said.

Suddenly, hew as pulled out of the mob of reporters and college scouts. He was thankful for his savior, but when he looked up, he noticed it was another college scout.

"A bunch of animals, they are. Are you okay?" He had a thick Japanese accent.

"Uh, yeah. Depends on what you are about to ask me will determine if I am okay or not."

"I will make this short, and straight to the point. My name is Haruto Nakamura, and Ia m a scout for Tokyo University. I know, it's a tad bit out of the way, but Tokyo University would love to have you attend their school. If you are interested, here is my card. You wouldn't have to worry about the travels. Keep us in mind." Haruto gave Aidan his card, and began to push him towards the exit. The scouts were now harassing the other graduates.

"Thank you, I will be in touch," Aidan said. He allowed Haruto to push him towards the exit, since he was short and it would be difficult with the crowd.

Aidan rushed out of the building once he made it to the doors with Haruto's help. Once he was outside, he took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled to himself. He sighed softly and unzipped his graduation gown, before adding his diploma and cap to his book bag. Once everything was secured and he made sure he had everything, he started his way home.

He glanced at the sky, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing into his brown hair. He noticed the sun was starting to set, and walking the Chicago streets at night was never ideal. So, he picked up his pace, in hopes of making it home before it got dark.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Aidan turned down his street only to witness a fight going on. It was two versus one, and the one had a gun. Two of the guys were slightly older than him and he could tell, one had long blonde hair, kind of feminine looking, while the other had a scar on his face, short brown hair, more masculine.

The two males and Aidan made brief eye contact, and he knew that he had fucked up. He started to back away, but the guy who had the gun caught a glimpse of him and grabbed his arm.


Aidan thought to himself, as a gun was held to his head, he didn't struggle knowing that the gun was probably loaded.

"If either of you moves, I will blow his brains out."

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