Chapter 9:

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When Aidan parked the car, he stepped out and took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air of the secluded lake house. Ian assisted Thomas in getting out of the car, and the two friends marveled at the picturesque cabin before turning their attention back to Aidan.

"You own a lake house? And a lake?" Ian's curiosity bubbled forth, and Aidan nonchalantly shrugged in response. "It was my grandfather's before he passed. I inherited it."

"Woah," Thomas gasped, his eyes widening with awe.

Aidan led them toward the cabin, unlocking the door to invite them inside. As they stepped in, Thomas and Ian were struck with astonishment at the clean and well-organized interior.

"Why don't you stay here instead of that small apartment you have in the city?" Ian questioned, gently settling Thomas on the couch. Aidan retrieved the first aid kits and tended to their wounds, ensuring Aidan could rest.

"The small apartment was closer to my job and school. It didn't make sense to live so far away. So, I used this as a small getaway, during the summer or spring break," Aidan explained with a hint of nostalgia."It's absolutely gorgeous out here," Thomas remarked, still taking in the breathtaking scenery.

"Yeah, after my grandfather took me in, it became my favorite place to live," Aidan admitted, cherishing the fond memories.

Ian's envy was evident as he said, "Man, you really are lucky. I am kind of jealous."

Smiling appreciatively, Aidan replied, "Yeah, I would consider myself lucky. But anyway, enough about this place. You both need to rest; I'm going to go cook."

Aidan made his way to the kitchen, humming a soft tune as he prepared a basic but hearty dinner of chicken alfredo with broccoli. The day had been exhausting, and he wanted to provide his friends with some comfort.

Carrying the plates into the living room, Aidan served the meal to Ian and Thomas, who looked around the cabin, still taken aback by its charm.

Mid-dinner, Ian couldn't help but voice his concern, "Hey Aidan, what if Orlando's guys find us? Do you have a plan?"

Thomas chimed in, "Do you really think they could find you here?"

Aidan's face betrayed a mix of confidence and caution, "Chances are it won't take Orlando long to find it, especially since I have a feeling he's been stalking me. I'll give him about two weeks, maybe enough time for Thomas to heal completely."

"You seem so unbothered by this, despite being kidnapped by the psycho," Thomas noted, puzzled by Aidan's composed demeanor.

Nodding, Aidan calmly explained, "Well, yeah. Naturally, I'll know they found us before they know I know. My grandfather didn't play games with trespassers. This place is filled with so many traps and explosions. They are activated the moment we are behind the gate."

Concern washed over Thomas' face, and he couldn't help but ask, "Are we safe?"

Aidan reassured them, "Yeah, the traps are only activated at the front gate, not the ones surrounding the house. I would only activate the ones around the house if they managed to get behind the gate. But I wouldn't even need to. We are all capable of fighting them ourselves, and there is a basement full of weapons."

Ian's curiosity got the better of him as he blurted out, "What the heck was your grandfather?"

Shrugging off the question, Aidan replied, "No idea, he never shared his job details with me. Now eat..."

The conversation turned lighter, and they enjoyed their dinner, discussing lighter topics to take their minds off the danger that lurked outside. Ian, his mouth full of pasta, inquired if they had time to relax in the lake.

"Of course, you can, but Thomas' wounds have to heal first. It may take a few days. It wasn't a deep wound, but getting lake water in an open wound isn't a good idea," Aidan advised, showing his concern for his friend's well-being.

Thomas nodded in understanding, grateful for Aidan's watchful care. As the conversation faded into comfortable silence, Aidan's weariness finally caught up to him. He yawned, the exhaustion from the day's events creeping in.

"I'm going to turn in for the night," Aidan announced, stifling another yawn. "Feel free to explore or rest as you please. We'll figure things out together in the morning."

With that, Aidan retreated to his bedroom, leaving Ian and Thomas to their devices. The two friends exchanged glances, knowing they were in capable hands, and with newfound gratitude for Aidan's resourcefulness and the safety of the hidden lake house, they settled in, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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