Chapter 24:

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At some point, Sato had contacted Aidan's boss and made him watch as he beat Aidan. Sato punched Aidan in the face while he was on the call with the boss. Aidan's face was bloodied from the cuts that were placed on his face and arms. His face was swollen slightly, but he was simply waiting for their boss to give him some form of signal.

"This is what happens when you break our contract," Sato said. He was getting high on the power trip that he held over Aidan. Sato pulled Aidan's head up to look into the phone.

"Aidan, are you able to handle it?" The boss asked, and Aidan glanced at the people surrounding him.

"More or less, it's gonna be one hell of a fight, but I think I can handle it. May need a few people to back me up though.

"Alright, just hang in there."

"What? Are you just going to ignore me?" Sato asked.

"Indeed, I don't need to worry about AJ."

"Why is that? He is just a brat, who didn't know what he was getting himself into."

"He is the grandson of one of the greatest assassins that ever lived."

"Clyde Johnson?" Sato's face went from having a cocky smirk to shock in less than a minute.

"Exactly." With that, Aidan surged upward despite the restraints binding him to the chair, channeling every ounce of strength into a single, desperate act. In an unexpected motion, he used the chair itself as a weapon, propelling it forward with a surprising force. The impact sent Sato hurtling to the ground, a resounding thud echoing through the room as the phone soared from Sato's grasp.

Aidan used this opportunity, his movements fueled by adrenaline and determination to break free. He used calculated precision, he swung the chair once more, the heavy wooden frame became a makeshift ram as it collided with the other assailant, sending them sprawling in a chaotic tumble.

Several men charged towards Aidan, to restrain him. Aidan with quick reflexes slammed the chair against the wall, shattering the last bit, which allowed him to break free from the restraints and handle the other assailants.

"Of all the places to fight, it had to be a school," Aidan mumbled. Another guy pointed a gun at Aidan, but before the guy could pull the trigger, Aidan kicked his hand down, making the guy drop the gun. He flipped the guy over his shoulder, before twisting his arm, snapping it out of its socket.

The fourth guy put Aidan in a chokehold, but Aidan knocked him into the jewels, causing the guy to collapse to the ground, holding his privates. Aidan kicked him in the stomach, before knocking him out officially. Normally, he would have killed them, but they were in a school where anyone could walk in. Aidan picked up the phone, and kicked Sato in the face, as he began to talk on the phone.

"Your face looks terrible, make sure to get it fixed."

"Thanks, old man, it's your fault that I almost got killed."

"If they would have succeeded in killing you, that means your grandfather didn't train you right."

"Fair point, so what was this deal?"

"I knew he was lying from the beginning, the principal had asked for protection."

"Wait, you knew, and still sent me?" Aidan asked as he punched Sato in the face when Sato tried to grab him.

"I have so many questions, but I will ask later. I need to treat my face, and make sure Daiichi doesn't tell anyone."

"Thomas should be there or on his way..."

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