Chapter 10:

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Aidan, Thomas, and Ian spent three weeks at the lake house, enjoying their relaxing time by the water. Aidan, in particular, seemed carefree, free from the worries of school and his future.

"Why don't you come here more often?" Ian asked Aidan.

Aidan gazed at the sky, leaning on his hands, and replied, "It's an hour away, and I don't want to commute to work daily. Plus, it's far from my school."

"That makes sense. I'd be here every weekend," Ian commented.

"I worked weekends, so it wasn't an option," Aidan explained.

"Well, now you can enjoy your weekends," Thomas added.

"Relax? Yeah, if you guys and the Crimson Reapers leave me alone," Aidan teased.

"Geez, don't you consider us friends?" Thomas protested. Aidan grinned before his computer started beeping incessantly. Aidan's attention shifted to the computer, and he quickly swam to the dock to retrieve it. After drying off, he examined the issue.

"Is everything okay?" Thomas inquired.

"Yeah, everything is fine... I think," Aidan replied uncertainty. He unlocked his computer and saw red words flashing, realizing he had been hacked. He furiously typed away, booting the hacker out multiple times. Thomas and Ian watched, bewildered, before Aidan sent deadly viruses to the hacker's computer, making it much harder for them to hack him again.

He sighed and secured his cybersecurity, then shifted his attention to hacking into the city's security cameras. There, he saw something unsettling – multiple black vans surrounding the lake house.

"Aidan, what's wrong?" Ian asked, concerned. They both left the water and joined Aidan, looking at his computer screen.

"Dude, you can hack?" Ian asked once more.

"Yes, yes I can," Aidan replied. He logged out of the city's security and began typing rapidly. Suddenly, a noise from inside the house caught their attention. Aidan glanced at the two men behind him.

"In the kitchen, the bar moved. Go down there and grab whatever weapons you need. There are more of them than I anticipated. You have about five minutes before they find me."

"Alright, what about you?" Thomas asked.

"They are trying to hack into my systems. I can activate some traps from my computer. I think they know that."

"Okay, we'll be back. Let's go, Ian," Thomas said, and they hurried to the lake house. Aidan activated the electric fence and then went to the house to hide his computer. He quickly changed into suitable clothing and tossed some clothes to Thomas and Ian, who were now armed.

"What was your grandfather, a superspy? This weapons cache is meant for someone who doesn't mind killing," Ian exclaimed.

"He was a bit unhinged, but also a genius. Maybe that's where I got it from. We were close," Aidan explained.

"Are you sure you're not an assassin?" Thomas asked, eyeing Aidan skeptically.

Aidan shrugged with a smile. "My grandfather may have been one. He raised me to fight and trained me."

"Bow and arrows?" Thomas questioned, noticing Aidan's weapon of choice.

"Yes, I prefer them to guns. It's the closest thing to darts I have. I left the darts in the house."

"You're a special kind of crazy," Ian remarked.

"Thank you. You're so generous with your compliments."

Before Ian could respond, a loud sound echoed, and Thomas grabbed a knife while Ian took a gun. They ran outside to find a car blown back.

"Bombs?" Thomas asked.

"This place is rigged once I activate them, so yes," Aidan confirmed.

"Are we safe?" Ian inquired.

"Yeah, it only detects the weight of cars, not humans. If they got past the electric fence, then someone disarmed it. It bought us some time, though," Aidan assured.

"A special kind of crazy," Ian muttered.

"Perfect for being an assassin, considering his grandfather may have been one," Thomas chimed in. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and Aidan pulled Ian out of harm's way, taking a shot himself. They sought cover behind the house and trees. Aidan scanned the area but couldn't identify the shooter. Ian prepared to shoot Orlando, but Aidan discreetly stopped him.

"Why are you so cruel? I gave orders not to harm Aidan!" Orlando's voice rang out.

Aidan groaned as Orlando appeared, flashing a smile. "Hey, beautiful, it's been a few weeks."

"Few weeks too soon. Why are you so obsessed with me?" Aidan retorted.

"I told you, you're my first love. I'll have you."

"Gross, I keep telling you. I'm not interested," Aidan said, restraining Ian from taking action.

"Why are you like this? You are so mean," Orlando questioned.

"You're not the first to tell me that. I've been called cold."

"Really? They're not wrong. Just join me. You can have anything you want, and I'll take care of you."

"I've been independent my whole life. I don't need someone to take care of me."

"Isn't it time someone did?"

"No, that's final. Plus, you're way older than me. I'm not into dating people who look 19 but are actually in their mid-forties," Aidan retorted.

Orlando sighed, realizing this conversation was going nowhere. He approached Aidan cautiously. Aidan remained vigilant, unsure of Orlando's intentions.

"I see you're hanging around with the Royal Bastions members. What's your connection to them?" Orlando asked.

"No connection. Ever since your men attacked me that day, they've been sticking to me like glue. Honestly, I wish they'd leave, just like you. So, I could have a more peaceful life. Unfortunately, they're as stubborn as you are. They're a nuisance."

Thomas and Ian frowned, hearing Aidan's true feelings. Aidan had never fully revealed his distaste for their presence.

"So, you want me to eliminate them?" Orlando proposed.

"Nah, I'd rather eliminate you and make them leave me alone."

"You don't have it in you to kill."

"Maybe you're right. But if my life's on the line, I'd do anything to survive."

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