Chapter 17:

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After they disposed of the body, they proceeded to shower and pack their things. They had to hurry on the private plane before the FBI stormed their base. Everyone was running around making sure everything was in order. Since AJ didn't have much, to begin with, he went ahead and got on the plane with Ian and Thomas. Once he was seated by the window, he took his laptop out and opened his email.

"What are you doing? Still working?" Ian asked and AJ shook his head slightly before thinking about it.

"Depends, hacking and stuff? No, looking at emails for college? Yes."

"Ah, in Japan right?" Thomas asked and AJ nodded his head before turning his head to them.

"By the way, do you guys even know Japanese?"


"Not a chance."

"You both are so hopeless...."

"You do?" Ian asked and AJ nodded his head.

"Japanese, Spanish, and English. I took it in High school because I was bored. So I guess I can teach you guys, so you aren't helpless."

"You are the best," Thomas said. He wrapped his arm around AJ's neck and AJ groaned slightly.

"Get off of me..." AJ shrugged off Thomas before scrolling through his emails. He found the email he was looking for and clicked on the website. He let a sigh out as he saw the reviews and the graduation rate. After doing research he emailed them back apologizing that it wouldn't be a right fit.

"What's with the face?" Thomas asked and AJ looked up before shrugging his shoulders.

"The college that emailed me in Japan has terrible ratings, their graduation rate is terrible. And the reviews are horrendous, so I had to decline their offer."

"Oh, do you have other colleges?"

"Yeah, I will look into those. I feel like it would be easier to wait until we actually land. So I can physically go to the colleges and look at them myself."

"Makes sense, so what made you want to be a teacher?" Thomas asked and AJ took a few moments.

"Not sure actually, I guess I always had a gift for teaching people. I mean my graduating class are a bunch of idiots, but they all passed because I tutored them."

"Well, aren't you nice? Yet you didn't consider any of them friends?"

"Absolutely not, they partied way too much, got into too much trouble. The most I would do was skip class, but it was okay for me too, considering I was ahead of the class by a few years."

"That's fair, thou-"

"AJ, when we get to Japan I have a mission for you. You alone," the boss interrupted Thomas. AJ and Thomas both looked at the boss, and AJ seemed confused.

"Okay? What is it?"

"You will go under your real name. A friend of mine said he needs someone killed. He said that they had threatened him and his family and he fears for them. Think you can handle it?"

"I can handle it, but why do I have to return to school?"

"Well, the target is a teacher."

"Ah, okay. I am gonna assume the person who requested it is also a teacher."

"Yes, exactly. Depending on where you kill them, you won't have to dispose of the body. You can just leave it, don't leave evidence."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Okay, you might want to get some rest, because it will be almost immediately after we land."


The boss walked to his seat and AJ closed his laptop and put it in his bag, before leaning his head against the window. Thomas placed some headphones in, deciding to let AJ rest a bit. AJ closed his eyes, almost falling asleep instantly since he was more tired than he had thought. It did make sense though because he didn't really sleep the night before due to keeping the security up.

AJ's head fell onto Thomas, who only shook his head with a small smile. He took the spare blanket he kept and covered AJ up before turning back to his phone.

It took about 14 hours to get to Japan, and when they finally landed, AJ grabbed his bag and got off of the plane. He sighed as he stretched his arms above his head, cracking his bones. Thomas and Ian both stood beside him and looked around the place.

"Doesn't look too different, I mean it's different but not too much," Ian said. AJ shrugged his shoulders before scrolling through his phone.

"Well, I gotta go to the school to get enrolled so I will see you guys later," AJ said. He began to walk away but Thomas grabbed his wrist, causing the young genius to turn around.

"What is it?"

"Please be careful, you haven't been doing this too long. So be careful and stay on guard at all times."

"I know Thomas, I may not have been an assassin for long, but I was trained. I haven't forgotten anything that my grandfather had taught me."

"I know, just promise me."

"I promise mother hen, geez. This mission will be done as soon as possible, plus I have to get it done before the Principal realizes who I am."

"Right," Thomas let AJ go. AJ began to walk toward the school and Ian only shook his head slightly.

"He grows up really fast, it feels like just yesterday he was rejecting our offer."

"Well, it was two weeks ago," Thomas said.

AJ saw students leaving the school as he looked around. He shrugged his shoulders and walked past the gates, and looked around. It was a lot bigger than his old school. He sighed softly as he got some weird stares, but he ignored them keeping his head held high. Once he got into the school, he looked for the office but ended up getting lost.

"Hi, can I help you?" Someone asked him in broken English. He turned his head and saw a girl with long brown hair, and big brown eyes. He flashed her a smile and she started to blush slightly.

"Yes, I need the Principal's office, I am trying to enroll.""I see, y-you can follow me," she said.

"If you want we can speak Japanese, I know how to speak it."

"Really, it's okay. I need to improve my English anyway. So what is your name?"

"I am Johnson Aidan, you can just call me Aidan though."

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Aoki Hana."

"Oh, so your name means green tree and flower. I am gonna go out on a limb and say your family loves nature."

"Yeah, you are really smart!" She said with a wide smile, AJ just smiled slightly as she stepped outside of the office.

"Well, I will see you later. This is the office, I have to get to the team council meeting."

"Alright, bye." He walked in and saw the secretary talking to the Principal. They both stopped talking and stared at AJ.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Yes, I just moved to the area, and I need to transfer to this school."

"Okay, well you can fill this out and we can get you enrolled," the principal said. Aidan nodded his head and started to fill out the paperwork.

"What size uniform would you need?" The secretary asked as she grabbed the uniform.

"XL shirt and pants."

"Alright," she said. Aidan went back to filling everything out, and the principal continued to watch Aidan. Aidan got nervous for a bit wondering if the Principal had recognized him.

"I am Principal Yung, by the way. If you have any questions just let me know. I will have your credits transferred over. It may take a few days but you can start tomorrow unless you need to settle in."

"No, it's okay. I can start tomorrow, there is no problem at all." Aidan said as he turned his paperwork in and grabbed his uniform.

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