Chapter 22:

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Warning: Mentions of SA nothing graphic

The final bell of the day rang through the halls of the school, its echo marking the end of the school day. He left for Sato's classroom, he had a feeling things would turn south, so he hoped that no one would interrupt his conversation with Sato. He didn't need his cover to be blown, or someone getting hurt because of him. Taking these possible scenarios into consideration, he formulated a couple of plans, but he still needed backup.

"Maybe I should wait and actually talk to the boss first," Aidan said to himself. He made a beeline for the school's exit instead. He adjusted his bag and walked out of the school. With each step away from the school though, he had gotten a sinking feeling in his stomach. Something wasn't right. The conversation with Mr. Sato played on repeat in his mind. The assignment was clear but at the same time, it wasn't. He told Aidan's boss one thing, and Aidan another.

It didn't help that the things Daiichi told him about Mr. Sato only made things worse. He turned back around and headed back to the school. He sent a quick text to Ian and Thomas before placing his phone in his bag. He placed his hands in his pockets, playing with the small weapon he kept on him.

Aidan now stood outside of Mr. Sato's classroom, long after the students had already disappeared. The schools were deserted, the teachers and students having already gone home. Aidan slowly reached out for the classroom door with his free hand, pushing it open.

The sight he saw had his body tensing; Daiichi lay crumpled on the floor, his face contorted in pain. The room, which was supposed to be a place of learning, was now a cage. Mr. Sato stood over Daiichi, a menacing aura surrounding him. The sight only proved his intuitions right.

Aidan slipped into the dark classroom, remaining hidden. He couldn't act carelessly or else Daiichi would end up hurt. Aidan listened to the harsh words that Mr. Sato was saying to Daiichi before Aidan finally made himself known.

"I knew it, you really are scum," Aidan's voice filled the room.

"Aidan, you need to leave now. He is... dangerous," Daiichi coughed up some blood. Daiichi was curled up on the floor holding his stomach. It didn't help that his school uniform was torn, and there was a knife in Mr. Sato's hands.

Mr. Sato grabbed Daiichi by the hair and held the knife to his throat.

"Mr. Sato, why is he here? You know he isn't supposed to be here," Aidan said, gripping the weapon in his pocket.

"Simple, I knew you were suspicious of me and wouldn't have listened to me. So, I was going to use him as bait. Now this is how everything is going to go down, you are going to do everything that I say, or he dies."

"Funny, how you think I care about him. Kill him, I don't care, Aidan said. Daiichi's eyes widened in shock and hurt filled his eyes. Daiichi tried to struggle as Sato stood there surprised.

"Don't you care about your friend?"

"Do you think I need friends? I am an assassin who joined the Royal Bastions for the sole purpose of getting my job done. I don't need nor care about anyone," Aidan deadpanned, staring at Mr. Sato.

Sato stared at Aidan, trying to catch him in some form of lie, but he saw nothing but seriousness. Aidan didn't falter under the older man's gaze, and he didn't meet Daiichi's eyes either.

"Now that you know I am very serious, how about you let him go? Your problem is with me, not him.

"Sato only smirked slightly before several men came into the room, grabbing Aidan. Aidan struggled a bit but stared Sato down as Sato grabbed Daiichi's hair tighter.

"I had my eyes on him anyway, he is just my type," Daiichi tried to move his head slightly, but Sato kept a firm grip. Sato brought his face to the side of Sato, staring directly at Aidan. Who was oddly calm not breaking the facade that he put up.

"Any sudden movements Aidan, and he dies."

"Could you even do it? Something tells me you never actually killed someone before. You keep saying it, but you have yet to do anything. In fact, you are only fighting someone weaker than you," Aidan challenged.

Suddenly, one of the guys kneed him in his stomach, causing Aidan to hunch over. Aidan coughed slightly, and Sato left Daiichi alone for a few moments. Sato shoved Daiichi to the floor and walked over to Aidan.

"When your boss sent you, I knew he was out of his mind. What kid allows himself to get caught? You are so scrawny too, not assassin material."

"Big words coming from someone who can't handle his own problems, and you need a kid to do it for you," Aidan smirked, as his eyes met Sato's. Sato leaned close to Aidan's face, and Aidan used this chance to headbutt Sato hard, sending him falling to the ground. Several of the guys pulled him back and twisted his arm.

With a rush of adrenaline, he threw his head back with a violent force, hearing the satisfying crunch as it connected to one of the assailant's noses. The impact vibrated through his school, a painful yet necessary sacrifice for the freedom he needed. The man behind him staggered back, clutching their nose, a string of muffled curses springing through their lips as their blood slicked up his fingers.

Aidan used this chance, and whirled around, his eyes having a deadly look in the, He faced another assailant, a hulking figure that seemed to momentarily hesitate under Aidan's faze. Aidan didn't waste a moment, his fist flew, connecting with the man's jaw. The sound of impact was a sharp, definitive crack that echoed in the classroom, a testament to Aidan's relentless training.

As the man crumpled to the ground, Aidan cracked his neck walking to Daiichi's side, cooley, his movements were swift and sure. Daiichi's eyes, wide with fear and confusion met Aidan's eyes, looking for anything that wasn't the fury in his gaze, Aidan's eyes softened slightly, as he knelt, and untied Daiichi's hands.

"I am sorry, you got dragged into this," Aidan said.

With gentle yet urgent hands, Aidan removed the ropes, revealing bruises on his skin. Daiichi finally snapped out of his thoughts once he felt the freedom to move his hands.

"It's not your fault, what's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, you need to leave and not tell anyone what you saw or heard."

"I am not leaving you," Daiichi said, and Aidan groaned slightly.

"Listen, you are just going to get in my way. Leave. Now. Don't tell anyone as I said."


"Daiichi for the love of god, just go! I will be fine, you are more of a liability."

Daiichi sighed and nodded his head. He rushed out of the school, leaving. Aidan then turned to the guys, walking towards Sato.

"Now that he isn't in my way, I can do what I need to do," Aidan placed a hand on his opposite shoulder and rolled it.

"So, what exactly are you after? Why did you lie to the boss?" Sato shot Aidan a glare and went to grab the knife that lay on the floor from when he dropped it, but Aidan was faster. Aidan closed the distance between himself and Sato, and with a swift, upward thrust of his knee, he delivered a punishing blow directly to Sato's face.

Sato's head snapped back, a spray of blood marking the air between them as a testament to the power imbalance between Sato and Aidan.Without giving Sato a moment to recover, Aidan followed through with a kick, sending him flying into the chalkboard.

"I won't ask again... I can do this all day..." Aidan said, standing above Sato.

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