Chapter 12:

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Once Aidan kept an eye on Thomas's vitals he grabbed his computer again and started to type. He stayed close to Thomas so he could keep a close eye on him, but he needed to get these people off of his property. He didn't want to resort to this, but he had no choice in the matter anymore, since it got way out of hand. Suddenly, smoke bombs outside began to activate. He closed his computer and ran outside.

"We have to retreat! Let's go!Leave the ones that died!" Orlando's voice was heard over all of the noise. Once all of the smoke cleared, they were all gone, besides the two that Aidan had killed. Ian jumped from the tree, wiping his sweat.

"What is he talking about, when he said leave the ones that died?" Ian asked, panting, and Aidan looked off to the side.

"Uh, I may have killed some people."

"Wait, what? Anyway, How is Thomas?"

"He has several wounds, He needed 30 stitches and I removed a bullet from his body. I injected him with a drug to help him when he wakes up so he wouldn't be nearly as sore without it. But he is waking up completely up to him now. I did all I could do."

"You never fail to impress me. You go back and check on him, and keep a close eye on his condition. Let me handle the bodies, alright?"

"What are you gonna do?"

"Since you aren't exactly one of us, I would rather not tell you. So let me handle it, and you focus on Thomas."

"Alright," Aidan said, as he kept watch over Thomas. He did all that he could do, and it was just the waiting game. Thoughts flooded his mind, as he leaned forward on his knees. He didn't know what to do, this wasn't a position he was ever in. He was trained for these things when he was younger, but he never had to put it into use.

Aidan was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Ian come in. It wasn't until Ian placed a hand on Aidan's shoulder, Aidan jumped slightly before looking over his shoulder to see Ian smiling awkwardly.

"Listen, once Thomas is completely healed, we will be out of your hair."

"No, I-"

"It's okay, we understand. We did kind of unintentionally just ruin your life."

"No, I didn't mean those things. I was just waiting for the right time to attack him. I do see you guys as friends. I don't feel so alone anymore," Aidan said. He looked down, and Ian's eyes had widened since he wasn't expecting that.

"Wow, are you serious? Are you opening up about your true feelings?"

"Yeah, and is that offer still up?"

"Offer?""Yeah, with joining you guys. You know, joining the Royal Bastions, I think it's called."

"Yeah, duh. Of course, it is! Thomas would be happy to hear you want to join. I am surprised, though, that you want to join us."

"I mean, after what happened today. There is no way I can live a normal life. I killed two people, and I did it without hesitation. I do have my grandfather's blood running through me."

"Well, we will help you. It would help if you rested, though. We both should. Thomas is going to be okay. He would be upset if we didn't rest ourselves."

Aidan nodded and got up from the chair before glancing at Thomas. Ian nudged Aidan out of the room to his room. Once Aidan got to his room, he shut the door and laid down. He felt so gross. He needed a shower. Between the blood, sweat, and lake water, it was disgusting. It had just hit him, so he crawled out of bed and grabbed a pair of boxers and a tank top before slipping into the shower. He started it before climbing in.

He stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the water. It was scorching hot and instantly turned his skin red. He flinched, forgetting he had a wound on his head. He quickly got out of the shower and glanced at his head.

"How the hell did I not realize my wound was serious?" He wrapped a towel around himself and went to Ian's room, knocking. Shuffling was heard, and the door opened. Ian glanced at Thomas, confused.

"Uhm, can you help me? I got in the shower, forgetting I had a deep wound on my head. I guess I forgot because I was worried."

"How severe is it?" Ian asked. Aidan turned around and saw the wound and flinched.

"Dude, how did you forget that? How did I not see that?"

"Thomas, probably."

"Go to the bathroom."

Aidan nodded and walked to the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat. Ian grabbed a first aid kit and returned to Aidan before cleaning the wound.

"Do I need stitches?"

"Nah, I don't think so. No, you don't. Just some dried-up blood, though it's pretty big. I am going to have to wrap your head."

"Alright," Aidan remained silent as Ian cleaned his head. Once Ian was done, he wrapped Aidan's head with gauze and stepped back.

"There, I wouldn't recommend a shower, though. Of course, you know that already," Ian said. He grinned, and Aidan looked at him and nudged him out.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get out."

"Fine, geez," Ian laughed. He walked out, closing the door. Aidan turned the shower off and ran his bath before getting in. He rid his body of the filth before washing his face. He sighed softly and drained the water before filling it up again. At that point, he was just relaxing. He soaked his sore body and his mind began to wander.

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