Chpt.1 - Dear Phone

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Johnnie POV

Walking around in the school hallways is my least favourite thing to do. In class, no one can really bother me, since the teacher is there. But the hallways, that's a different story.

No matter what i do, i always get bullied. I never really understood why, but somehow it never changes. No matter what i do. Well, most of the time i actually do nothing.

'Please, please, please' i kept saying in my head, as i walked down the stairs to my 4th period, anxiety radiating off of my body.

"Oh! Hey you, fucking freak!"


Two large hands land on my shoulders and push me down the last four steps i had. Landing exactly on my elbow, my headphones fall out along with my phone.

Whimpering quietly in pain, i look up to see Jack Cooper and William Anderson. The schools "toughest guys", also know as the biggest jocks in San Jose.

In the corner of my eye, i see a messy, brown mullet. I look to the side and see a guy named Jake Webber, and he was looking at me with something like...sympathy???

Why would he have sympathy for me?

I'm just an Emo gay freak, as everyone calls me.

I look back to see my phone being picked up by Jack.
He opens my lock screen that showed "Cemetry Drive" by My Chemical Romance.
Scrunching his face, he looks at me, my phone, and then me again.

A moment of silence passes, until he slowly moves my phone higher up in the air and saying: "No music allowed in school, young man".


My phone was in cracks down the stairs, with absoloutly no way of fixing it. Tears fill my eyes, as i try to scrumble my self up to check on my phone.

Jack and William leave the hallway, laughing madly, but Jake stayed.
With shaky hands and silent tears running down my face, i start picking up the broken pieces.

I see Jake squatting down, reaching out to help and starting to talk: "Hey man, i'm so sorry. I didn't know they would-"

I hit his hand away, before picking up all the pieces and saying harshly : "I'm fine."

It propably wasn't the best idea, since he hangs out with those people, the bullying will propably be worse the next couple of days.

I quickly run off to the bathroom, locking the door and leaning against the wall, with tears blurrying my vision as they fell down my face like rivers.

This phone was the last gift my dad gave me before his death.

Okay sure it was almost 9 years old, but still. It meant a lot to me.


Exactly. It meant a lot to me, and now it's gone.

The only gift left from my dad.

Feeling my breath becoming more rapid, my body starting to shake, knees almost giving out-

'No Johnnie.' I tell myself.
'You can't fall apart in a school bathroom, that's just embarrasing.'

I gingerly lay the broken phone pieces in the back pocket of my bag, before leaving the school as quick as possible.

Thank god, my house is not far away from school.

After about three minutes of basicly running home, i finally get into my room, which instantly gave me the overwhelming feeling of breaking down.

Tears formed into my eyes again, as i started stumbling into the bathroom. Opening the green plastic box, i see the blade inside.

Without even thinking, i pull up my sleeve, pick up the blade and slowly drag it through my skin.

The relief i instantly feel is almost overwhelming.

One cut for allowing yourself to get bullied.

One cut for being a freak.

Two cuts for not protecting the phone.

One cut for being the way you are.

I start zoning out as i watch the blood trickle down my arm.

Coming back to the world, i put my arm under the water and hiss in pain as the cold water hits my hand. Quickly cleaning up the blood, i put the blade back in the cupboard and go lay down in my bed, not even bothered by the fact that it was only 12.30 pm.

704 words

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