Chpt.18 - Trying This Twice

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Also the pic at the top will be how Jake and Johnnie sit in thw bathroom (you'll know later).

(I literally ended editing this at 2 am help)

Jake POV

"You didn't have to pay for that, Jake." Johnnie said as we walked out of Target.

"But i wanted to, and you can't stop me from paying for you." I smile as Johnnie rolled his eyes.

"Jaaaake!" He whined.

Damn, that sound... hold up.

The sound was, um, funny. Mhm.

"Johnnieeeee." I whine back and pull his arm. His face twisted in pain.

'Goddamn it. I'm so fucking stupid.'

Ever since i've seen his scars, i haven't mentioned it. In fact, i don't think he actually knows that i know. I just..let him deal with it.

We drive to my house.


"Okay, i'm ready!" Johnnie yelled from the bathroom.

"Okay. I'm coming in!"

I open the bathroom floor to see Johnnie sitting on the floor without a shirt and wet hair.

I sit down next to him and take the package.

"Well...i'm gonna be honest Johnnie, i have quite literally no idea what to do." I say.

"Oh i do, it's easy. See? Since my hair is not very thick, we have enough colour for my hair. Now we split my that."

Johnnie splitted his hair in.. i don't even know how many parts.

"Now we have to apply the dye, seal it with conditioner, wash it off and that's it. Easy right?"

Johnnie was smiling devilishly, knowing that he said the whole instruction too fast for me to understand throughly, but i got the image.

I roll my eyes and say "Fine, let's get on with it then."

Johhnie faced the bathtub, sitting criss cross apple sauce, and i sit with my face also facing the bathtub, but my stomach against Johnnies cold back.

Johnnie leaned a bit against the bathtub so i could start rubbing the dye in, starting with the top sections.

I look down to see Johnnie trailing his fingers over his...scars.

There seemed to be some kind of makeup on it, 'cause you could see it a little and there was no way that the wounds would heal up so quickly.

I take a long, stadying breath before quietly saying:

"You know Johnnie, one day i googled that if you apply makeup to fresh wounds, it will take longer to heal."

I could hear Johnnies breath hitch.

He literally stopped breathing for a second.

"What-..what do you mean by that?" He asks shakily.

Here we go.

"You know very well, Johnnie."

He still hasn't started breathing normally and i could feel his body starting to shake against my back, as i applyed the dye.

"I-, no? I- i don't. What do you mean Jake?" Johnnie asks me, stuttering.

I sigh.

This is going to be a fucking long talk, but i had to be eventually.

The Best For You (Jake Webber X Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now