Chpt. 9 - Jake Has Fallen Sick

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Johnnie POV

"You know Johnnie, why'd you ever think that i would like someone like you? You're fucking depressed. You cut yourself. Who would do that? Like, bro. Are you stupid?" Jake asked me.

"Just grow the hell up, you fucking gay-ass bitch!"

No, no i couldn't do it. He said that he wanted to be my friend, told me that it's not my fault i get bullied, what changed???

I tried so hard, i had fun, what..?

Jake sneeres at me as his yells faded away.

I rise up from my bed.

Panting, i look around and... oh god. It was just a dream.

Goddamn it.

Thoughts fill my head.
'Was the dream right, or am i just overthinking? Maybe it was. Was it a sign? Shit, shit, shit, shit.'

I stand up and my see my clothes dreanched with sweat against my skin. My anxiety takes the best of me and i quickly walk in the bathroom.

One good thing about living alone, is that you never need to worry about anyone seeing what you do on your own.

I squat down to the cupboard under the sink and open it. I take out the metal blade and raise my left sleeve.

'I was doing so good.' i think sadly before slicing the blade against my skin.

I accidentally cut a bit deeper then i wanted to, so instantly the blood starts dripping down my hand.

It felt good, great even. Another cut, more blood. It was like i couldn't see anything. Like i was zoned out.

I knew what i was doing, but the relief was so overwhelming, i cut without thinking about it.

Finally realizing what i just did, i look at the little pool of blood on the ground and wash the blood of my hands.

Even though it was only 5am, i couldn't go back to sleep. Yes i felt tired, but even more so because of the dream.

'I'll guess i just have to wait'


It's been about three weeks, and Jake has kept up what he's been doing.

Always walking me to class, glaring at anyone who would try to hurt me, even William and Jack has backed up a little bit.

Today tho, Jake didn't show up to school. We were supposed to have our first and second period together, but it was now almost the third period and Jake still hasn't showed up.

I walking in the hallway, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I saw that Jake texted me : "I'm sick, sorry. Can't come to school today".

Oh well.

I put my phone back in my pocket and started walking. The hallway was quite empty.

'Did the lesson already start? Oh i'll have to hurry then.'

But before i could start walking faster, someone walked behind me, grabbed my bag and pull on it, hard.

I couldn't see who it is, but someone dragged me into the the janitors closet.

They pushed me on the floor harshly, and i hit my head on one of the metal shelves. I saw in the shadow, that the 'someone' had short brown hair.

They whispered angrily :

"Stay away from, Jake."

With that, a leg kicked my ribs, leaving me clutching it painfully.

That 'someone' left and i heard the door click. Wait, what?

Carefully, i stand up, still pressing on my ribs and try to get out, but i couldn't.

It was locked.


A pain went through my head, making my knees buckle. Too many thoughts fill my head.

'How can i get out? Will i even be able to? Can someone find me?'

This was too much of me.

Looking around in panic for the last time, i blacked out.

621 words.

-I'm sorry for this short chapter, i've been busy lately and i just wanted to update y'all.

-Also did anyone notice that English is not my first language XD

-Love everyone who has read this, thanks <333

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