Chpt.2 - Can't Help Wanting To Know You

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Johnnie POV

Laying in my bed and looking up at the ceiling.

I felt numb.

Cutting always made me feel that way.

'I should eat' i thought to myself, but i didn't even really care about eating. Much less studying.

So without caring, i closed my eyes and fell into uneasy slumber.


Jake POV

I felt uneasy. Really uneasy.

Ever since that incident, i couldn't stop thinking about how bad i felt.

Why didn't he let me help him?

Is he scared of me?

Is he okay?

I couldn't help it.
I felt worried as fuck.

I didn't even know the guy? Okay yeah, i've seen him a couple of times (actually a lot because i'm with Jack and William most of the time), but still. That doesn't mean that i don't care for his well being?

The most i know about this guy is that he's emo; wears makeup; quite shy; can play guitar, since he sometimes plays guitar to the class, and that's all i really know about him.

Jack keeps on telling me that he's gay, and i usually just agree to drop the subject. But in reality, why is it so important that he's gay? And what if he's just a guy who likes to wear makeup?

Why is it such an important thing, that causes people to bully him?

I've also noticed about the guy, that he's about seven inches shorter then me, since i'm 6'2. He's very pale and also very skinny, like he never eats.

Of course i've seen him eat a couple of times in the cafeteria, but that's really rare.
Usually, when he does come there, he gets bullied by Jack and William.

No wonder he never eats there.

Also talking about Jack and William, I met them when I was about six years old. My mom and their moms were friends so I had to be friends with them or else my mom would have been mad.

So since then I have always been with them around in school. I never really like them but I have no choice. I also don't want to fuck up the relationship between their mothers and mine.

So that's how it's been. Me Jack and William.
Jack and William have bullied the emo guy for as long as I can remember. Since he joined this school till now.

'I should at least find out what his name is.' I think to myself.

'Oh and i should also apologize.'

Well, i guess i'll be finding him tomorrow.


Johnnie POV

I've trying to keep my head low the whole day.
Right now is my 5th period, chemistry. I never really try to work in subjects like chemistry, math, ect. It's mainly because it's harder for me, since i'm dyslexic, but also because i'm lazy. With some help from my mom and some assistant teachers, i've been able to keep up, but barely.

I see everyone get up and i realize i'ts already recess. A good class of doodling, i guess. I quickly on my headphones and start blasting 'bigcitydreams' by Never Shout Never.

I look at my black skinny jeans, and some black platforms, praying, that i don't run into anyone.

Everything is fine until a hand lands on my shoulder. I turn around with shock and fear in my eyes...only to see the same mullet guy from yesterday.

I try to fight the hand off, but his grip is hard and firm. His height was quite intimidating, so my shoulders scrunched up immediately. I look down and ask with a shaky voice.

Jake POV

"I-is there something you n-need?" the guy asks with a scared voice.

Why is he scared? Does he really think i would hurt him like my other 'friends'?
Well...i mean, i would think that also. He doesn't know me, of course he would be scared! He gets tormented by them almost every day!

"Look at me." I tell him firmly.

He still doesn't look at me.

I loosen my grip on his shoulder a little and tell him more softly.


That makes him look up. His gaze jumps straight to mine as i look at his sky blue eyes. Black messy eyeshadow around them.

They're beautiful.

I look at him for a moment before telling him softly:

"I'm sorry, okay? I know that the people i hang out with, mean bad to you, but that doesn't mean that i do. I didn't know that they would go that far to breaking your phone. Maybe i can help you pay and buy a new one? I just couldn't stop thinking about it and i can't just go on without doing anything-"

"It's fine." He stops my rambling. His voice wasn't so shaky as it was, and there was a ghost of a smile on his face, but his eyes showing some kind of hurt, which meant it clearly wasn't fine.

"No, it's not. They clearly went too far, and i hate how they always bully you. No matter what i do they don't stop. And i just want you to know that i'm not like them. I promise. Just... even if you're not going to let me help you... please, don't be scared of me. I hate when people are scared of me."

There was a couple of seconds of silence between us, before he smiled slightly and said in a quiet voice:


He looks up at me before turning around to walk away, but i grab his wrist. I'm not sure if i heard a slight hiss of pain, or if it was my imagination, but whatever.

"What's your name?"


The guy, Johnnie, turns around and walks away.

955 words.

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