Chpt.7 - A Creepy Delivery Guy

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Just a quick note, i don't like Bryan Stars. I think he's a perv and not a good person. What he did was wrong and i don't support it. This is just for the plot!

Also, quite short chapter for y'all, sorry! :)


My eyes shot open as i hear the doorbell.


I forgot that i ordered food.

I look down to see Johnnie still sleeping, with his arms around my waist, holding tightly.

I smile softly before gingerly lifting his arms open around my waist and lift his head up to the couch.

I quickly go and open the door.

The guy has fluffy blonde hair, and from my perspective, a little creepy face. He was smiling at me and tried to push the pizza into my hands.

I take my wallet, out of my back pocket to give him the money, but he shakes his head. "It's on me."

The guy says with a broad smile.

Umm... okay?

"Thank you," i look at his name tag. "...Bryan."

The guy, Bryan, seemed a bit creepy, so i just smiled and quickly closed the door. I locked the door and waited a moment until i could finally hear the footsteps walk away.

I walk back to the living room, where Johnnie was still huddled on the couch with my jacket on top of him.

'Dark red suits him.' I think.

Wait, what? Ugh, whatever. It's nothing.

I set the pizza on the table, and move to wake up Johnnie.
Gently shaking his shoulder with one hand and pushing his hair away from his eyes with another.

I whisper: "Johnnie, Johnnie. Wake up. You can't sleep at night if you won't wake up." Johnnie mumbled something about that.

"Come on, Johnnie. You need to eat." Johhnie opens one eye and then another. He finally stands up with my help and i couldn't help but let out a little giggle. Johnnies hair was spiked up in all different ways.

"Whaaat?" Johnnie mumbled.

"Your hair is messy." I tell him. I take my hand and ruffle his hair. "It's cute."

A tinge of pink is seen on Johnnies cheeks as he looks down on the floor. "Come on." I grab his arm and pull him to the kitchen.


After we ate the pizza, we played some board games and i helped Johnnie study a little.

I saw that he was starting to be sleepy, well it already was almost 1am so i'm not surprised
(actually i am a little since we basically slept the whole day).

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I tell him, and go. After i come back, i see Johnnies head on the table, soft breaths coming out of him.

Damn, he must really be sleepy. Did he not get enough sleep yesterday, or the day before?

What does he even do alone?

I carefully pick him up, wow, he's so light. The nurse really was right.

I place him on his bed and put a blanket on him. Smiling softly, i take my stuff and start to walk home.

When i closed the door, a guy came past me, and i could swear he looked like the delivery guy today.

Bryan, was it?

But what would he do here that late at night? Okay yeah, my imagination must play tricks on me. After about ten minutes (thank god we live so close to each other) i get home and go to sleep.

584 words.

-See what i did there with the pizza delivery?? *winks*

-Just another reminder that Bryan was only added for the story!

- Also, Jake pookie... get your shit together. SEE THE SYMPTOMS OF FUCKING DEPRESSION

-this is hurtful to write.

-Thank you all for voting!!

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