Chpt.13 - P.E Lesson

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Guess who's opinion is back y'all!

William POV

'Please, please, please say he wont show up!'

Just then Johnnie walked in with Jake.


He came.Well, he's fucked. Jack and Bryan have been talking, supposedly even before he came teaching here.

So i had to go with them. About three days ago, Jack said that he had to talk to Bryan and i couldn't listen. Obviously, he didn't trust me but i really didn't care.

I heard Johnnie and Jakes names in the other room. Quite angry whispering to be honest. And now when Johnnie and Jake entered the room, and Bryan instantly walked up to Johnnie.

I stand in the corner of the room and watch closely as Jake scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

Bryan grabs Johnnies wrist and Johnnies face twisted in pain. My eyes widen.

Oh shit.

I really fucking hope i'm wrong..

Bryan puls Johnnie with him in the corner of my room and for the rest of the class, Bryan gave us basically nothing to do and for Johnnie, he talked to him the whole lesson.

Johnnie looked so uncomfortable the whole time. I feel so bad, god. Jake, well.. he looked like he was about to explode.


Jack, well he tried to get closer to Jake, and i even heard him telling Jake stuff like "Look at the emo, he's fucking weird. Why do you even hang out with him?".

I just felt bad for Jake, and to be honest, i've been thinking some stuff about Jack.

Why's he so obsessed with the fact that Jake is hanging out with Johnnie? Why is he angry because of that? Well, i have my opinion.

So, i guess we'll see.

Jake POV

I am angry as fuck.

First of all, when Johnnie came back from changing, he wouldn't explain what was wrong, no matter how much i asked.

Second of all, while i was talking to Johnnie, Bryan just came and grabbed Johnnie by his wrist, taking him away from me.

And third, Johnnie looked so uncomfortable, and honestly, that Bryan dude seems like a fucking creep.

I wanted nothing more to just go and grab Johnnie with me, cover him with my arms and keep him protected from harm.

And while i was about to march up to Johnnie and Bryan, fucking Jack came talking to me.

What the fuck does he want?

Jack smiled at me weirdly and said
"I just want to talk to you, since we haven't talked that long." I stare at him like he's stupid.

"Yeah, let's not forget the reason i didn't talk to you."

Anger is seen in his eyes for a millisecond, before they go back to something i couldn't quite get the hang off. It kinda seemed obsessive, or like..awe?

I don't know, and i really don't care.

Then, Jack proceeded to talk shit about Johnnie. I just tried to ignore it, until stuff went too far.

Stuff like "God, he's so ugly. Propably wants to kill himself also." and "You just pity him, right? That's why you hang out with him. I don't think anyone would really care about him."

As soon as i heard that i turn around to look him in the eyes.

And goddamn, i was angry.

How dare he? He wouldn't want to fucking kill himself! And i do fucking care about him! How dare he talk like that about him!

I was about to give him a piece of my motherfucking mind, when there was a bell ring and a "Class dismissed!".

So i turned around instantly to look for Johnnie. He came scrambling to me, looking terrified.

Okay, now i need to know if Johnnie's fucking okay.

I've been asking that a lot lately and he always says that he's fine (even though he doesn't look like it), but i really don't care, since i like taking care if my friends and being there for them.

Especcially Johnnie.

"Hey man, you okay? You looked pretty uncomfortable." Johnnie just pulled my arm out of the gym.

"Yeah, i'm fine."

681 words.

-Okay so tomorrow i'm gonna be riding a bus to latvia (abt 5 hours) and back, so i have time to write.


-Just do you know, i know what i'm gonna do for the plot, so you'll just have to wait :)


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