Chpt.14 - "I'm Gonna Get Jake Back"

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The long awaited chapter!

Also i'm so sorry this is so short, i had the fucking writers block.

Jack POV

'God how i fucking hate the motherfucking emo. He should fucking kill himself.' I think.

Look at that absolute fucker. Taking Jake away from me.

How fucking dare he?

Ever since Jake went away from our 'friend group', he's been hanging out with that fucking fag. And i hate him.

But i could never hate Jake.

He's perfect. Perfect style, personality, clothes, looks, everything. But goddamn it's making me angry that he's hanging out with that fucking emo.

I'm so much better!

And that pussy William, never does anything i tell him anymore. Oh, but if he's gona keep this up, i know what i'm gonna do.

I know that William got bullied as fuck in his old school, and if my mom wasn't friends with his, i wouldn't care either.

I would let the bullying happen. But if i'd do that, my mom and dad would take my money away.

So, no.

I will not do that. The only chance i have, to get rid of the emo, is to distract him with Bryan.

Speaking of Bryan, i met him a couple years ago. Seemed like a cool dude, so we kept in touch. And now, when Jake and that emo are hanging out more and more, it makes my blood boil.

That should be fucking me!

So, i contacted Bryan to distract the emo.

Once he's out of the way, Jake will come right back to me, begging to be friends with him again, so everything's fine!

But for the emo to not come back, i have to do something. Anything, to ensure that the stays out of the game.

And i will come up with something. Right now, i just have to distract the gay guy away from Jake.

I need him back. It's not physically possible for me to live like that, seeing him ignoring me and walking past me, either glaring at me or staright up not looking at me in the eye.

That makes me motherfucking angry.

So i promise to all the people out there, i will get Jake to come back to me.

Good or bad.

376 words.

-"Good or bad." FORESHADOWING???

-Okay gang, update. One dance is over, one to go. We didn't win. :(

-Hiii everyone, another update. It's currently 01.02am and i just ate fries with my dance team on the Estonian/ Latvian borderline (well shit i told you where i live). Oh well. Anyway, thank you all for supporting me. Since World of dance is the biggest dance competition in the world, we had some tough people against us. And....we lost. Didn't get top 3, again. Since we're not top 3, we won't know which place we were (sucks ik). Anyway, i wanna write a chapter, but i'm fucking lazy. Plus i have no ideas rn, It'll just take time. Love y'all <3

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