A/N - vent

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Hey guys, i'm sorry, but idk i just wanna talk to someone. If you don't want to read this kinda text, skip it.

The storys chapter is on editing rn, just so yk.

Anyway, hello. How are y'all? I could sertanly be better.

One thing abt me, is that i have daddy issues (i love the song omg), and it has been hard recently. I'm just gonna be honest, i'm not sure this chapter is gonna be up for long, i might delete it. Okay. I'm yapping.

Have you ever met a person, who is like a wall? Literally. No matter what you tell them, they'll say "i get it" and keep on doing it. The kind of person, who says things about you, like how "you never listen",
"you don't understand, no matter how many times i tell you",
"It's your fault, can't you see?".
The kind of person, who blames everything on you, no matter the situation. They always have to be right. Always have to prove the point, that they're right. Saying stuff about you, even though they do the same fucking thing?

That's my dad.

My dad is the kinda person, who tells me that i only think of myself, i can't speak back to him, because he's the parent, and i'm the child. And he's right.

(Help, while writing this ((it's 06.40am)) i was listening to "i love you so" by The Walters, and the lyrics:

I'm gonna pack my things and leave you behind

This feeling's old and I know that I've made up my mind

I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul

'Cause you were cruel and I'm a fool

So, please let me go

But I love you so (please let me go)

I love you so (please let me go)

I love you so (please let me go)

I love you so

Made me cry, so now i'm crying while everyone else is sleeping, fun!)

Anyway, let's bring and example, so you can really understand what he's like. Many of them, actually.

Example 1. Me and my family are going to Greece this summer, and guess what. KoRn is doing a concert there. And i love KoRn. So, i went to my dad and asked if i can go to the concert, and i kid you not, the firati thing he yelled is that i'm selfish. Yeah. For wanting to go to a concert. I understand his side, that "it's a family vacation, and we should spend time, not go to a stupid concert" but i was just fucking asking.

Nothing else, just asking

But, no. I'm selfish for wishing that. And then, he started talking about, how i think that money grow on trees. Screaming was done, and i was crying. (I cry all the time when someone raises their voice at me), but, i have my fathers confidence, so i will not let someone talk down on me. And guess the fuck what.

He stood up and started waving his hands around, yelling at how i ruined a perfectly good night. And that made me flinch (abusive friends / J)

Then, he started yelling about how he has never hit me, and why would i be scared of him. (Mind you, he has  "almost" whipped me with a belt, many times. Literally. But my mom stopped him. (He's not a drunkie btw). Soo.. i have ptsd from that also.

(I remember specifically, 8 yr old me sitting in my room, throwing my chair and pillows at my dad, as he was moving towards me with a belt, but he stopped. It was fine)

The Best For You (Jake Webber X Johnnie Guilbert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя