The Sister & The Vanishing Glass

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Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all. The Dursleys' twins were no longer babies, the photographs showed them. While the boy was large, blond, the girl was thin and had red hairs. They were fraternal twins.
The room held no sign at all that another boy lived in the house too. Yet Harry Potter was still there, asleep at the moment, but not for long.

"Up! Get up! Now!"
Harry woke and turned to see his sister still asleep beside him. Yes his sister, the only person among the Dursleys who cared about him, who loved and acknowledged him. She was Dudley Dursley's fraternal twin sister by blood but she was and will always be Harry's sister by choice. While Dudley got his looks from his parents, she got her from her mother's side of the family. With her blazing red hairs and beautiful green eyes, she resembled a person that Petunia Dursley doesn't want to remember at all. One look at her eyes and anyone could say that she and Harry are siblings for they have the same eyes.
" Ohh Lils she looks just like yo" said Marlene
" She is my niece" said Lily with a proud smile.

"Up" his aunt screeched. Harry groaned. His aunt's family are terrible, all of them hated him and well the feelings are mutual except for his sister, Primrose Blossom Dursley; the girl who cared. She was there for him all the times. He slept in the underboard under the stairs,

" They made you sleep in that cupboard" screamed several people while Harry just shrugged.

his sister even fought with her parents because of this resulting her been grounded. Though she did not mind her been grounded but when she realised that the more she protest the more punishment her 'bubba' as she like to call Harry will get. Thus she stopped but from them she started to sleep where he used to cause according to her ' if she can't bring heaven to you she is gonna chase you in hell'.

" Bubbles, bubbles get up, it's your birthday". She just turned away but did not wake up. God she can even sleep during an earthquake.

"What" the adults chuckled.

" Bubbles, Dudley is eating all your chocolates"
" What the hell" and so the girl was up.
"Bubba that's not funny" the girl said while pouting.


" Wake up cousin...we are going to the zoo"

"This idiot how the hell I share a worm with him"

" Oh here comes the birthday boy "
" And girl. Happy Birthday my children"

" How the hell such a pretty girl be this walrus' daughter" said Barty
" Eww Barty shut up she's eleven"
"Just stating the fact" Regulus just gave him a pointed look which made him shut.

At the zoo

Dudley quickly found the largest snake but it was fast asleep. He pressed his nose against the glass staring at it.
" Make it move" he whined at his father.
He tapped on the glass.
" Move"
" He's asleep" Harry said stating the obvious.
" Right Good. Lets move from here please" said Primrose looking slightly scared.
" He's boring" Dudley moaned. He shuffled away.
" He's alright.... bubbles what's wrong"
"I-I am not fond of snakes " exclaimed Primrose looking anywhere but at the snake.

At this the people from future snorted. " How ironical " said Ron while chucking.
"What's ironical" asked James being confused.
" Uhm-m well it will all be explained in the movies." Harry stated
The marauders exchanged quizzical glances.

The snake suddenly opened its beady eyes. Slowly, very slowly, it raised its head until it's eyes were on a level with Harry's.

It winked.


Harry stared. Then he looked quickly around to see if anyone was watching. They weren't except primrose just had an eye contact with him. He looked back at the snake and winked, too.
Primrose looked like Harry has gone mad.
She was going to ask him if hes alright when he started talking in a different language she never heard of.

You can speak in a different language.
"It must be really annoying"
But you are speaking English. Harry just said to keep watching.

If the language was strange then the snakes reaction was stranger.
The snake nodded vigorously.

"Really mate you thought this was normal"
" I was eleven back then Ron"

"Where do you come from anyway"

The snake jabbed its tail at a little sign next to the glass. Harry peered at it.

Boa Constictor, Brazil
" Was it nice there?"

The boa Constictor jabbed its tail at the sign again and Harry read on : this specimen was bred in the zoo.

" Oh I see so you have never been to Brazil....I also have never know my parents not family...but I have bubbles my sister"  Harry looked towards Primrose but she was looking at him if hes crazy.
He was going to ask her whats wrong when Dudley came waddling towards them.

" Out of the way" he said punching Harry in the ribs. Caught by surprise Harry fell hard on the concrete floor. Primrose helped him and they both turned to look at Dudley while glaring might add as well Primrose's glare was more dangerous.

What came next happened so fast no one saw how it happened.... One second Dudley was leaning right up close to the glass the next, the glass front of the boa Constictor tank had vanished.

Everyone laughed.
That's very strong accidental magic Mr Potter said Professor McGonagall looking impressed.

As the snake slid swiftly past him Harry could have sworn a low hissing voice said " Brazil here I come....Thanksss amigo"

"What you are a Parselmouth" Harry just nodded
" But how mum there's no one in our family who was a Parselmouth right"
" Yes"
" Then how"
" Later"

Harry was laughing at them but his laughter died down when his uncle looked at him....And he knew he was in trouble.

I swear if he touch u I will not leave him.
" Dad I am fine"
James calmed down after hearing dad from him.

" What did you do" screamed and angry looking Veron.
" Dad he didn't.."
" Shut up young lady"
" I didn't do minute the glass was there the other it wasn' was like magic"
Primrose grimanced hearing that word she knew it was forbidden to speak that word in their House and she always wondered why.

" There is no such thing as MAGIC"

Oh really then what are We

He was so angry he could hardly speak. He managed to say, " Go - cupboard - stay - no meals"

That's abuse. " Don't worry Rose made sure I had my meals"
" Thank God"
" She is truly adorable and not only she has Lily's look but her nature too"
" Ya but Harry where is she why didn't she came " asked Lily and this grabbed everyone's attention.
Harry stiffed at this question and looked down while the future generation looked at him in pity what nobody noticed was the tears in Orion's eyes and the longing look in Draco's.
This reaction made everyone confused. Before they can say further Hermione said that everything is explained in the movies.

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