The Flying Lesson

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Harry had never believed he would meet a boy he hated more than Dudley, but that was before he met Draco Malfoy. Still first year Gryffindors only had Potions with the Slytherins, so they didn't have to put up with Malfoy much. Or atleast, they didn't until they spotted a notice pinned up in the Gryffindor common room which made them all groan. Flying lessons would be starting on Thursday - and Gryffindor and Slytherin would be learning together.

"Typical" said Harry darkly. "Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy"

"Damn....He is equally obsessed with you Draco" teased Orion.

"Shut up" screamed Draco and Harry being equally embarrassed.

"It can't be that bad Harold" said Rose

"You don't know you'll make a fool of yourself" said Ron reasonably.

"Ya but what if..."

"Ohh shut up Harold if Malfoy makes fun of you just throw your broomstick on his face" said Rose

"Where do you even get these ideas" Harry asked with his eyes widened while Ron just chuckled.

"Hahaa" James and Sirius were rolling on the floor holding their stomachs. After they sat up they turned to tease Draco but he just gave them a smug look saying "She would never hurt me."

"Show off" said Orion shaking his head slightly. "You better stay away from my daughter" screamed James.

In the great hall, the students were doing their homework. Suddenly a flock of owls start coming into the hall.

"Ah, Mail's here!" exclaimed Ron

The owls soared by dropping parcels to students but Rose and Harry got nothing. This makes Rose a little upset. Harry sees the newspaper Ron has put down.

"Can I borrow this?"

"Hey Ron, Rose, somebody broke into Gringotts. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and us went to."

This caught Rose attention, "No way somebody broke into it before me"

"yessss, the Marauders legacy will continue" screamed James and Sirius while Lily and Professor McGonagall look terrified.



Later that afternoon, the students were lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning Madam Hooch"

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up!"


Harry's broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did.

"He is a natural" screamed Sirius

"Of course he is after all he is my son" said James proudly

Hermione stares at him as the class continues.

"With feeling"

"Up. Up. Up. Up" said Hermione as her broomstick slowly rises.

"UP" said Ron resulting his broomstick to immediately shot up and whacked his nose. Harry laughs.

"Shut up, Harry"

"up" said Rose but her broom just shakes slightly on the ground.

"Up" said Draco and his broomstick flies up and he smugly grins at her. Rose sees Malfoy giving her mock look, picks her broom and quickly hits him.

The Great Hall was silent for a moment until the whole future generations along the marauders cracked up laughing. While Draco groaned.

"She would never hurt me" mocked the Prewetts twins.

"She would never hurt me after third year" said Draco while huffing.

"Oh Merlin, we are gonna be best friends" said Theo while laughing hard. Rose smiled at him in response.

"Thats how they became friends" exclaimed Draco.

"Mine and her friendship had a start better than this" he said proudly.

"You befriended a mudblood" screamed Lucius.

"Don't fucking call her that" said Draco calmly

"Or what"

"You see father dearest I came into this world covered in someone's else blood, I don't mind leaving like that" said Draco while shocking the whole people except the future generations who were very much aware about the relation between Draco Malfoy and Primrose Dursley.

"Now once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle....3...2..."

She blows the whistle. However Neville's broomstick somehow lifts him off the ground. He looks frightened.

"Mr Longbottom"


Neville slip off and fell to the ground. "Ahh"

"Neville" screamed Frank and Alice.

"Oh Dear. It's a broken wrist. Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while i take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If i see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch"

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd remembered to fall on his fat arse."

"Shut up you idiot" said Rose

"Fancy him do you, I am disappointed you could do better" said Draco with a smirk

"Jealous were you" said Orion teasingly. "No"

"Give it here Malfoy" said Harry

"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about up the roof? Whats the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?"

Harry gets on his broom.

"Harry no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly."

Harry ignores her and flies off to face Draco.

"What an Idiot" said Hermione rolling her eyes.

"Go Bubba go" cheered Rose.

"Can I get some popcorn" Theo spoke. Orion looked at him with 'Are you crazy look' while Mattheo just stood there with 'I am so done with these idiots' face.

"Typical Theo" chuckled Draco to himself while Orion was just looking at the screen longingly.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom"

"Is that so? Have it your way"

Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Just as he is about to hit a window, from which McGonagall is working, he catches it. McGonagall notices this and looks surprised as Harry begins to fly back down to the grounds. The students all cheer as Harry lands back. Rose runs to him and gives him a hug.

"That's my son" screamed James

McGonagall appears in the grounds.

"Harry Potter, follow me"

"Oh no, Minnie fancy seeing you here, how are you doing" said Rose trying to divert McGonagall's attention.

"I am perfectly fine Miss Dursley and its Professor. Now Mr Potter I think you heard me."

Harry follows her while Rose gives him a sympathetic look.

"Minnie you can't punish him" said the Marauders.

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