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As they entered November, the weather turned cold. The Quidditch season had begun. On Saturday Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. It was really lucky that Harry now had Hermione and Orion as a friend. He didn't know how he'd have got through all his homework without them, what with all the last minute Quidditch practice Wood was making them do. Hermione had also lent him Quidditch Through the Ages, which turned out to be a very interesting read.

The day before Harry's first Quidditch match the Golden trio plus Rose were out in the freezing courtyard during break when Snape crossed the yard. Harry noticed at once that Snape was limping. 

"What's that you've got there, Potter?"

It was Quidditch Through the Ages. Harry showed him.

"Library books are not to be taken outside the school" said Snape

"Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor"

"What, that's not even a rule" said Remus and Lily

"He's just made that rule up" Harry muttered angrily as Snape limped away.

"Damn he hates you so much" said Rose

"Wonder what's wrong with his leg"

"Dunno, but I hope it's really hurting him" said Ron bitterly.

Snape looked sharply at Ron who was busy looking at the ground fearfully.

"You deserve it mate" said Evan

"Exactly you are one hell of a scary Professor" said Barty Crouch Jr

The Gryffindor common room was very noisy that evening. They sat together next to a window. Harry felt restless. He wanted Quidditch Through the Ages back, to take his mind off his nerves about tomorrow. Getting up he told the others that he was going to ask Snape if he could have it.

"I will come with you" said Rose

They made their way down to the staff room and knocked. There was no answer. 

Perhaps Snape had left the book in there? It was worth a try. They pushed the door ajar and peered inside - and a horrible scene met their eyes.

Snape and Filch were inside, alone. Snape was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages.

"What the fuck" said Sirius

"Language Mr Black" said McGonagall

"English" replied Sirius smugly earning a hit on his head by Remus.

"Blasted thing" Snape was saying.

"How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?"

The tried to shut the door quietly, but -


Snape's face was twisted with fury as he dropped his robes quickly to hide his leg. Harry gulped.

"I just wondered if I could have my book back"


Harry left dragging Rose along with him, before Snape could take any more points from Gryffindor. Rose stopped.

"I am going to see Orion"


Harry sprinted back upstairs.

"Did you get it?" Ron asked as Harry joined them. 

"What's the matter"

In a low whisper, Harry told them what he'd seen.

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