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'Can I at least love you from afar, y/n?'


Her words stick with him like a bitter aftertaste which he could never erase from his memories. Her wish to reunite with Suguru in death reminded him of his place in her life. She didn't even care to live on for him. Even he was suffering every single day inside. Only she knew the pain which came with being the strongest. However, she remind blinded to his sorrowful gazes and never tried to watch him beyond the rose tinted glasses.

It felt like she had blocked him out of her heart.

He was her childhood friend. Couldn't she just wish to live on for him? He knew he didn't deserve to be comforted by her but deep inside he yearned for her touch; to be held in her warm embrace as she console him with sweet nothings. If not at least could she smile at him once, not the worn out lifeless smile she bore now, but the one which reached her lime hues and made it glow like a full moon.

"Gojo." Shoko called out, bringing him out of his trance of thoughts. His blindfold perfectly hid away the pain and longing in his blue eyes. She had seen him standing outside for the past half an hour in complete silence. It concerned her. She was his friend too.

She was there too with them when everything went downhill.

The said man turned. "Shoko. What are you doing here?" He didn't have to put up a happy facade in front of her.

"Well I noticed you have standing here for quite a long time. So I decided to join you as I needed some fresh air too." She replied, gazing up at the night sky.

He remained silent.

"Is it about y/n?" She asked after a long pause. Her eyes darting to glance at his side profile gazing up at the sky. She took his silence as a yes and continued. "When do you intend to tell her you love her?"


Everyone knew he love her. It was very obvious. It was just her who was too blinded by her loss that she couldn't see the love and longing in his eyes. But wasn't it better for her to remain oblivious?

"She loves Suguru." Satoru replied after a long pause. His voice was low, almost above a whisper. He sounded remorseful yet fearful.

"People heal and move on with time. She will too. So why don't you give it a shot? I'd hate to give her over to a dumbass like you but..." she paused to turn at him. "There's no one who can love her more than you... I know, Suguru loved her very much but he could never confess his love to her even when he knew full well that she love him back."

"I killed Suguru. So what makes you think she'll ever love me back?" He sounded spiteful for the first time. Tears pooled in his eyes behind the blindfold.

A deafening silence filled the surrounding. All he could hear was his heart breaking once more. She would never love him back. She would never when he had killed the man she dearly love with his own two hands. He didn't know what broke him more? The simple truth that he was the one who ended his best friend's life or the fact that he killed the love of her life and she'll despise him till eternity if she finds out about it.

Why did she had love Suguru out of all the people? Why him?

"You didn't wish to kill Geto, Gojo. He brought it upon himself. I know, y/n love him so she would not understand it initially. But she'll understand one day if you tell her." She exhaled a deep breath and gazed up at her acquaintance. "Do you not have enough faith in your bond, Gojo? She might not love you in the way she loves him. But she still love you as a friend. Moreover... she has known you almost her entire life."

"I am sure she would know enough then that you'd never have done it with your own will."

The tears pooled up in his eyes rolled down and soaked his blindfold.

"She's down in the bar drinking." Shoko informed as she turned to leave. "There's no better opportunity than this to confess your love." She turned. "And if you are worried she will turn you down. Let me tell you this, she won't remember a thing the next day."

"And you will get an honest answer too. After all, a drunkard never lies."

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