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'Can I at least love you from afar, y/n?'

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'Can I at least love you from afar, y/n?'


The white haired sorcerer found himself rushing through the streets, his heart pounding in his ears; erasing all the buzzing noises of the city life. Like Shoko said, it was his only chance to confide his feelings to the woman he had love all these years. It was not because he think he didn't have enough time in his hands, it was because he knew he might not be able to muster the courage to confess again, if not tonight.

A heavy breath escaped from his lips as he stopped in front of the bar.

He felt a numbing sensation spread throughout his body. Taking in a shaky breath, he pushed the door opened. The sound of bells chiming welcomed him when he stepped in. The bar looked cozy and warm, the lights were dim but bright enough to see everything properly. And there amidst the line of customers seated with their drinks, y/n sat waiting for her next drink which the bartender was currently preparing in front of her.

He took a step forward.

He clenched his sweaty hand in a fist and walked up to her. Each step seemed agonisingly painful.

"Y/n." He called out her name in the softest voice as he stooped down to take a seat beside her. His blue hues never leaving her form. She turned to meet his gaze.

"Satoru, it's that you." She looked tipsy. Her breath was drenched with the strong smell of the liquor she had been downing one after the other. "I shouldn't be drunk by now." She mumbled to herself and turned to the bartender to ask how many glasses she had. But was interrupted.

"It's me, y/n. You are not seeing things." Gojo replied, his throat was starting to feel dry.

She turned. "I thought you didn't drink." She took a hold of the drink, the bartender had placed before her and twirl it. The ice inside the glass created a soothing sound as she did.

"I don't."

"Then why are you here? To watch me drink or stop me from drinking?"

"I'd hate to say it but I want you to be as drunk as you can tonight." He paused, peering up at her surprised visage under his thick long lashes. "As I don't want you to remember a thing I wish to tell you tonight."

She remained silent for a while. Her lime eyes watched him with a hint of curiosity yet confusion. "And what may it be you wish tell me that you don't want me to remember it?"

"Are you drunk?"

A chuckle rumbled out of her throat. "Not enough not to remember a thing tomorrow." She took a sip of the drink. "I hold my liquor well. Too bad for you and me. Cause I'm dying to know what it is you wish to tell me tonight."

"I guess, I have to pick up my pace now. Can't have you waiting when you look constipated?" She remarked with a grin and turn to order another drink.

Gojo said nothing in return but simply sat in pure silence and watched her down her liquor one after the other. With each drink she gulped down, he felt more at edge. It was like he was watching her destroy herself.

"I think that's enough." He took a hold of her wrist, preventing her from downing another shot. Her eyes darted to him and her lips curved up in a big grin.

Surprisingly, she nodded her head and set the drink down.

"Let's go." He stood up from his seat, his warm hand still holding onto her cold wrist. She bobbed her head and slam the cash on the desk before she stood up.

"Keep the change." Her words were slurred.

Gojo guided her out of the bar, his strong arms holding onto her firmly to make sure she doesn't stumble and fall. She leaned closer to him when they stepped out of the bar.

"It's getting cold." She commented with a small smile, her hazy eyes lost reminiscing a fond memory from her past.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to keep her warm. He needed to confess yet he could not just do it out in the streets. So he took her to his apartment and sat her down on the couch.

"Y/n..." he called her once she was comfortably seated. He sat on the floor on his knees, his hands still holding hers. She seemed to be struggling to keep herself awake.

"I told you I wish to tell you something." He spoke out in a soft voice, his eyes peering up at her. He lightly squeezed her hands in her warm ones to ease his nerves. He knew she was drunk out of her mind yet still he found himself struggling to confide his feelings to her.

Her drunk state did not wash away his fear of rejection.

"Mmmhhh..." she hummed.

"Y/n... I- I..." he gulped down the lump on his throat. "I love you." He felt a huge weight lifted off his chest as he said those words.

Her eyes widened in response.

"Yes, I love you." He reaffirmed. "I have love you all along. I've love you for years, y/n, even before we were enrolled in jujitsu tech. You are my first friend and the first and only woman I've love...and will ever love." He continued, staring down at their hands on her lap. He was too afraid to meet her eyes. His heart pounded on his mouth and ears and he shifted in his stance. "So, can you please give me a chance? I swear, I'll love you with all my heart and make you the happiest woman. You don't even need to love me much. Just a little is enough."


"A-and if not..." he grew more nervous when she said nothing in response. "Can I—." He finally looked up at her to meet her gaze. "Can I at least love you from afar, y/n?"

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