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I stare at Ms. Carson's extremely confused state towards my room. This was the first time she was seeing such extremely rich rooms. I agree I did go a little overboard when I furnished this room, but it was then that I had decided that I would be living with my parents here itself. I didn't have it in me to move out and live separately when my parents were still grieving Papa Williams , Tommy and Bella. And more than anything-Luke.

Ms. Carson's eyes found my family picture and her eyes softened. Her eyes held pain for some reason. Why would she have pain in her eyes for my family? She doesn't even know them.

"I think their whole family was planned to be murdered", she suddenly said as I sat in front of her, on another couch and asked her to explain and she did, what she's been doing since she came home. She's been dropping bombs on me one after the other and each time she knocks the breath out of a bad way

" If what I think is right...that Ester Monique indeed was asked to kill the twins and Violet, it means that we need to be even more careful with Mary, whoever hired the kill for twins and Violet has to have hired again for Mary. The parallels between these two cases are very similar, extremely similar. They couldn't kill the twins then so she fulfilled it after 8 years! The twins weren't safe from the start! I don't know what gave it away after 8 years. But Ester Monique didn't kill them until the last moment. William found them and it was then she had no options but to kill. Maybe Mary's son is too still very much alive Mr. Wild. But that would also mean that Mary and the kid are still in danger. We need to find who drove the vehicle that hit Mary and who misplaced the blood bags for Violet. We can start there!" she says and I take in everything.

I rub my hand over my face. Someone wanted the twins dead that bad! And Mary...but who and why? It's a question that could never leave my mind until I see the end of it.

" I still don't fully believe the social status pregnancy theory.. that someone would want pure bloodline to continue or so, it just doesn't make any sense...but I do believe you, that their family was killed. It's just I need some time to..." I said to her but she stopped.

" I know it must be really hard. I don't even know these people and my heart breaks for the twins. You were family. Take your time. I'll try to find out about the blood bags tomorrow. We should get some information about the driver soon, right? From the cops.. One more thing.. When exactly did Luke Wild run away?" she asked and my whole frame stilled.

" Why suddenly Luke? If you are imply-" I raise my voice and get up in defense but instead she takes a step in front of me furiously, stopping me at my sudden outburst.

" I am merely asking a question, not any accusations Mr. Wild. It's just I had this thought that the time mentioned in the news when he ran away and the time Isabella's body was found is awfully close. So I just had this thought if he ran away because he couldn't accept the truth or because he knew something he shouldn't have. After all, he is still not here and his best friend seems to know something or everything. If you wanna do something for Mary and Mason I suggest you try contacting Lucy Bale. Anyway I will leave you be, Take your time" she said angrily and just left.

Damn...I should have controlled my temper...but how is it that her brain is working so fast? Natalie Carson indeed is a strong woman but there was no need to respond that badly, I didn't even get any chance to yell or get angry properly.

Before I could turn around I heard three knocks on my door. 3 knocks in a pattern very familiar to what Mary once used to knock with. A smile made its way to my lips as I opened the door to find a very awkward Ms. Carson, she was mad but she looked like she went out incomplete.

" Apology accepted," I said but got a scoff and scowl in return.

" Damn if I apologize. I just wanted to know in person about your parents friend circle. If possible in the shortest detailed summary. Also if anyone would be jealous of anyone in the group or particularly Violet Sanchez ''Ms. Carson. asked that made my mind go to aunt Phoebe.

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