Chapter 3- Welcome Mixer

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Carmen and CiCi raced into the house to stake a claim on a bedroom. Faith was not as enthusiastic. She strolled in with her singular suitcase and took the smallest room at the end of the hall that was vacant. She unpacked her clothes which consisted of some sun dresses a pair of Jean shorts, regular jeans and a few shirts and jumpers. She had a pair of Nikes, converse and two pairs of heels. She unpacked her make up bag and toiletries and the small box of memories she had taken last minute when packing. A picture of her family and a necklace her mother always wore that she fished from her jewellery box. She hung the necklace on the picture frame and put it by her bedside, she would give anything to be with them. Anything.

A knock sounded at the door and Carmen and CiCi raced down the stairs to answer it. As predicted Carmen answered first and had a muffled conversation with a male voice at the door. We all had our heads out our doors curious to hear what the conversation consisted of.

"We have been invited to the pack house for a welcome breakfast!!" She exclaimed.

"We have to get ready like now." CiCi matched her excited energy.

Faith looked at Jane, wondering if she had a place at the pack house. Humans were not usually allowed into packs. Her estranged grandfather had got her here but she wasn't sure if that meant she was entirely wanted. Jane smiled widely.

"Get ready girl! First impressions count!"

Jane was sweet and Faith appreciated her kindness but she would have rathered stay locked away in her room than parade herself as the human pack member. She went into her room and chose a white linen sundress that had a cute bow at the chest. She put on wedge heels and her mothers necklace for luck. She put tinted moisturiser on her pale skin and blush as well as some mascara and lip oil. Her auburn hair was in loose waves which she brushed out and set with hair spray. Her aunt may have looked like her mother in ways but faith was a copy of her mother. Her own reflection making her wince for her mother and father.

Faith waited in the kitchen. CiCi was in a cute long dress that was T-shirt material and a cowboy hat. Her fashion summing up her personality perfectly. Carmen had over done it. She was wearing a red dress that resembled a ball gown and thick black eyeliner and a healthy dusting of blush. Her black hair was curled and pinned up like a toddler at a beauty pageant. Carmen was pretty and her efforts were only suffocating that fact Faith thought as Carmen descended the stairs with a smirk. CiCi widened her eyes at her sisters appearance. Faith felt relieved that she wasn't just being mean in her reaction to Carmen's outfit.

Jane had changed into a jumpsuit and denim jacket and looked lovely. When she took in Carmen she froze.

"Car, sweetie, why are you wearing your formal dress."

"Impressions mum, I wanted to look stunning if I have a mate meet today."

"You would look stunning in something more casual darling, it's breakfast and it's midday."

Carmen's expression turned sour. She seemed accustomed to a tantrum as CiCi yawned as she began her antics.

"Mum you're suffocating me, I will not dim myself down because of our new guest or CiCi's country trash fashion sense."

"Heyyy!" CiCi frowned.

Jane signed and called Murray.

"Okay honey."

Faith got the impression Carmen called the shots.

They walked through the cobbled pathways in the grass toward the pack house. The sky was clear and the air was so fresh. Faith had taken to just inhaling so deeply to feel the cool freshness in her lungs. There had to be millions of trees around the land border. Faith stayed at the back of the group, hoping by some miracle to be unnoticed by the pack members. She was human and she was sure they would smell it if they didn't immediately notice it. Maybe Carmen's ball gown would distract them for a while at least.

Jane and Murray lead the way into the pack house. It was three stories with huge balconies on each story and fresh flowers hanging from every window. It was painted a light wash lilac and looked extremely inviting. When they reached the long entrance hallway the smell of cooking hit Faith's nose. She felt her first pang of hunger in a month. The smell of bacon and eggs and fresh bread was too enticing to stay sad for.

Carmen was close behind Jane and Murray. CiCi trailed behind with Faith. The wooden doors to the kitchen opened to an attack of the senses. Food was cooking over three worktops. Women were cooking as men were sneaking pieces of bacon and toast. Children were running around and giggling. Small groups of teenagers were bunched and chattering in every corner. There was a huge buzz of excitement and energy in the room. The kitchen had at least fifty people inside and others were sprawled along the back garden that could be seen through the large windows behind the worktops.

"Wow" CiCi whispered.
"Is this not what it's like always?" Faith asked.
"No this is really cool, I've never seen a pack so close." CiCi was excited. A platform to chat all day was her dream.

Faith began to notice the crowds settling and turning towards the family. Faith had already noticed some she wolfs sniggering at Carmen's dress. She felt bad for Carmen in a way. She was eager to impress her mate.

A woman stepped forward and shook Jane's hand.

"Hello I am Lina, I run the kitchen and our welcome committee. We have prepared a breakfast mixer. Pack members have come to chat and welcome you over some breakfast. Please grab a plate and walk around. Welcome to Tide Moon."

Lina was small and had wrinkled sallow skin. Her hair had two thick braids either side of her head and a thick fringe. She was warm and the epitome of welcoming. Faith didn't like the idea of chatting around the pack kitchen. She hoped she could stay by Lina and her warm smile for as long as she could.

Jane made a plate and the rest followed. Faith smelled the steaming food and inwardly moaned. It smelled amazing. Faith had always been curvy and insecure about her wide hips and big chest. She hated eating in front of people but she could not resist taking a bite out of the bacon. CiCi was complimenting Lina on the food and asking for recipes already. This made Faith laugh. Carmen had taken her plate and moved to the groups of young wolves. They were talking to her but Faith noticed many were making sly faces at one another behind her back. She was paying particular attention to the males which was irritating the females of the group.

CiCi was not by Faith's side anymore. She scanned the room and found her in the far corner staring at a blonde haired boy about her age. They weren't speaking just staring. Faith switched her gaze to Jane who was glassy eyed watching them. The male growled which startled Faith and glowered at CiCi as he repeated "Mate."
CiCi joined in and the two of them were just staring at one another chanting the words "Mate." Soon applause erupted in the kitchen and Jane and Murray began to hug. The blonde boy who was in jeans and a shirt embraced CiCi who was smiling ear to ear. Faith only began to realise what was happening. CiCi had found her mate. Faith surveyed CiCi's mate closer. He was cute. He had green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was short but just an inch or so taller than CiCi and he was beaming at her like she was the whole world.

Faith noticed Carmen from the corner of her eye. She was seething. Watching her sister with a murderous look in her eyes. Jane had ran over to meet the boy and Murray had shook his hand. It seemed like the boys parents had also joined the couple and were mixing together.

Carmen walked over with a harsh stride and pulled her sister from the boys arms. This caused a monstrous growl to erupt from him. Jane's eyes went wide at her eldest daughters actions.

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