Chaoter 6- Tiny Mate

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Alpha Jace Roe- POV

Another cross pack meeting and yet another display of all the alphas and their mates. Spending an hour looking at pup pictures and congratulating wolves half my age on their mating was draining. By the time myself and my first beta Jet had made it back to Tide Territory my wolf was frustrated and needed to run.

He was hungry for his mate. Craving her more with each day. I was 32. Sixteen years a mature wolf and the alpha of the largest pack in the kingdom. I controlled everything and everyone. I had everything any wolf wolf would ever want. Power, money, control. I longer for her. I'd give it all up for her. I knew it. A wolf was only as strong as the mate bond. Without my mate I would never unlock my full power and potential.

I know the bordering alphas and my pack had lost hope. In the early years I had held balls, traveled to all neighbouring packs, I'd done everything my family and the elders had asked of me. I had never found her. Most would believe her to be dead or exiled at my age. My wolf would not allow us to give up. She was out there. A powerful Luna to rule the world with. Many she wolves had tried to mate me as a chosen. I'd never entertained them. Sure I had to relieve myself now and again and although it wasn't always respectful of my Luna, I had gone through periods of lost hope and pure frustration. The problem was the she wolves believed it meant something. That they had a chance at mating with the most powerful alpha in the world.

Powerful alphas had offered their daughters. She wolves with deceased mates had offered themselves up and the elders had suggested opportunities for chosen mate alliances. I had never accepted. In recent years I had grown hard and cold towards it all. My wolf was so crazed for his mate that I struggled to control him most days. He needed his Luna. I needed my mate.

I had run for three hours when I arrived back after the cross pack meetings. In fact I had been chasing a faint scent. It was so faint I could barely smell it in the wind. But the tiny scent was bliss. I craved it. It didn't smell like mate and maybe it wasn't strong enough to communicate anything but my wolf needed it. Needed it more than air. I had collapsed after two hours and walked aimlessly for an hour after before the scent just disappeared.

I had gone home, showered, looked over pack paperwork and checked my calendar. Tomorrow I had to initiate a new family. A favour to the father, a great warrior who once fought alongside my own father. His wife was descendant of a great Beta. His daughter, the eldest I think, had seduced their previous alpha while his mate was training. The alpha, blind with rage at her disrespect for their Luna, had cast them off. Her father had begged my father for mercy and a place to stay. They spoke of a human orphan they were keeping. Of wolf heritage of course. I had agreed, which surprised the pack. I was cold hearted usually and didn't make exceptions but I couldn't help but take mercy on Murray. I was regretting it now. Tomorrow I would have to go over to their house, take part in formalities and initiate them. I had a full day of pack meetings and training observation of warriors. Alpha duties could be so tedious. Sleep came quickly after my three hour run.

When I awoke before sunrise I shot up in bed. The memory of the scent vivid in my mind. It was a mix between crisp flowing water, ripe strawberries and fresh cut grass. It was pure, sweet and fresh. I savoured the memory of it as I got into the shower.

I brought my two betas with me to initiate families. When I reached the pack house kitchen my second Charlie was waiting for me. His scent was different. It was mixed with something tropical, a bit overpowering and flowery...he had found his mate. My stomach sank. Charlie was a young second beta and his instincts were second to none. He was not yet eighteen and found his mate.

"You're mated."

He beamed.

"Not fully completed but I found her. She is perfect alpha. The moon goddess blessed me."

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