Chapter 4- CiCi's Mate

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Carmen stared at her sisters mate with fury.

"Who are you??" She demanded. Faith watched Jane but she didn't intervene. Carmen was never held accountable for what she did. It irked Faith. Faith's mother would have told her how selfish and petty she was in that moment. Jane was standing back. CiCi's mate halted his growling.

"I'm Charlie Jenkins of the Tide Moon Pack."

He spoke calmly as CiCi stared on in admiration. He was focused on Carmen but stealing glances at CiCi. Carmen laughed ironically as the kitchen had come to a silent still.

"My seventeen year old sister has her mate. What a sick joke!"

Faith couldn't handle the awkwardness. She grabbed Carmen lightly by the arm. In a hushed voice she pleaded.

"Come on Carmen let's go for a walk or something."

Carmen grabbed her arm from Faith and sent her a look of rage. From the corner of her eye Faith could see Murray approaching them. He put his hand on Carmen's back and led her out of the kitchen. Everyone was staring and most were whispering as well. Faith turned to Jane but she had composed herself and was chatting to Charlie's mother. CiCi and Charlie were focused on one another smiling and chatting. A tall man slowly came to Faith's side.

"Mated so young, they have a long partnership ahead."

He had a deep timbre and smelled woody. He was strong. His arms were barely concealed by the shirt he was wearing. He towered over her.

"Yes, CiCi will definitely keep him talking."

"Charlie and talking? I can't see it."

"Oh you will, trust me, on the way here she told a two hour story with about five breath breaks."

"You're human."

The realisation was quick and his voice was laced with curiosity.

"Um yes."

"Sorry, that's rude I just couldn't trace your scent fully."

"Oh that's okay, I'm staying with the Jones' my family is missing, well dead."

The statement was deadpan and as Faith spoke her hands shook at her sides. She would introduce them in this twisted way forever.

"I'm sorry, my mate died last year, I hate when I'm asked about it, sorry for that."

His mate was dead, from what little Faith knew about werewolves that was huge. A part of him was dead and he would never feel whole. Neither would she, Faith thought as she pictured her mother and father.

"I'm sorry, I can't imagine..." Faith looked up at him and the sadness in his eyes was undeniable. She loved her family more than anything but wolf bonds were something else entirely. She knew her mother always yearned for her family. Even after the shame and loneliness she felt in the absence of her wolf.

"Yeah, everyone just looks at me with this deep rooted pity, it's like a constant reminder."

"I have a feeling I will get used to that look."

"Well if you ever need to just talk about something unrelated to death, human things or otherwise, I'm your guy."

Faith looked up at him. He was smiling down at her. She diverted her eyes to the ground. She wanted to be invisible. But she would not be rude to the large man.


Faith walked towards CiCi. CiCi turned with force and squealed.

"Cuz, this is Charlie! My mate, oh my god."

Faith mated to the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now