Alone again

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Having never joined a school halfway through a term, I was practically pissing myself once my alarm woke me up in the morning and the reality dawned on me that I was truly alone. For now, anyway. I was sure I'd make friends eventually, but as of right now - when I walked into that school I would have nobody and know nobody.

I already live alone. Yep, weird as fuck but apparently the narrator has so many family issues she's projecting them onto me and I now live alone. Thanks, you made my life worse so that you could have your inner peace.

At least I don't have to pay the bills, thank god the Government can do that much for a 16-year-old girl.

Oh, right - I was still lying in bed procrastinating, and mentally shitting myself, before I finally (somehow) got the motivation to stand up and start getting ready. Flicking on my lights, I wandered over to the window of my unfamiliar room to tear the curtains open, in doing so I partially blinded myself from lacking the common sense not to glance directly at the sun. Spots of colourlessness covered the centre of my vision as I cursed under my breath and blinked furiously - before giving up and digging through my cupboard to find my uniform.

A light green gakuran and trousers, regular white button-up shirt and my own shoes. I internally thanked the school for letting me wear the boy's version of the uniform (and prayed people wouldn't start picking on me for not wanting to wear a tiny skirt around a load of teenage boys) while my respect for the other girls who did steadily increased. (Don't worry, I am very much like other girls. Trust me. Just no miniskirts.)

Peeling myself out of my pyjamas, I folded the uniform over my arm before dumping the nightwear into a laundry hamper and stepping into my shower. The water hit my face, hot at first but cooling after a second or two and apparently washing away not only my accumulated clamminess from the previous restless night, but all of the harrowing thoughts of joining such unfamiliar surroundings, too. The silence in my mind was appreciated, and I stepped out pretty reluctantly once I'd cleaned myself, wrapping a towel around myself before staring into my reflection's eyes, a heavy sigh just waiting to slide out from the depths of my lungs after all the steam clogged them up.

"It'll be fine." I told myself, not fully believing the words. It will be fine, right? It's just a new school. I make friends literally everywhere anyway. So why wouldn't I be able to now? Self doubt is such a pain in the ass.

I dried myself off and got ready, pushing the thoughts out and letting the same song on repeat slip into my head.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now