Omg friends!!!/Stalker

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A couple of weeks pass, and I've slowly gotten even closer to my little cluster of friends. Toritsuka has actually become bearable; we can bond over cute girls, anyway, and he's actually (finally) been listening to at least some of my advice. He's offered to tell me my guardian spirit a couple times, but I turned it down. I don't really like the idea of having some dead person following me around, so it helps to forget about it if I know nothing about them. Recently, he told me about his grandparents and how he discovered his powers... I was going to feel sorry for him but then he started complaining about how I didn't wear a skirt.

Hairo is still intense, and has slowly gotten even more intense as we've edged closer to the Sports Festival. I don't want to do anything, but he keeps asking me "Have you decided yet?" as if I've promised I'd do something. I don't know whether to be irritated by it or not, but so far I'm deciding against it because I'm fond of him. I've tried showing an interest in his sports, stopping by to watch and cheer him on a couple times... but holy fuck I'm getting tired of seeing his ass. And I mean his literal ass. I don't know how he ends up accidentally flashing people so often, but he needs to start wearing a belt, or high-waisted bottoms. Because that, sir, is a problem.

I've discovered that Yumehara has a crush on Saiki, which completely baffles me because has she actually met him? He's a cold, grumpy jerk and he is probably aroace.
'Maybe don't listen in then.'
Let me just wait a sec.
Other than that, she is so sweet. Saiki wouldn't deserve her even if he did date her.
Oh, good, he's gone. Anyway, she's my first pick to sit with whenever lunchtime rolls around. She engages in conversation easily, she can talk about anything with me, she's open with me and she's just genuine. She cares deeply for so many of her friends, and honestly she puts them all before herself so often it almost worries me.

Mera is a little bit of an oddball, but she's sweet nonetheless. She's just as caring as Yumehara — she's always worrying about her family's wellbeing. I know I shouldn't be snooping in her mind, but I felt so bad for her situation the first time around that I can't help checking up on her just to make sure she isn't struggling (too much) silently. There's not much I can do — I'm only a kid myself — but bringing in extra lunch and snacks seems to be somewhat helpful. She seems so happy every time I stop by at the cafe, so I of course became a regular. And... kind of figured out what Saiki's schedule was there so I could avoid him...
'Are you kidding?'
'Well I did, but now I'm back, idiot. You're going without me? How often?'
'Go away! Don't you actually have to put effort into using your telepathy on me? You're so obsessed. Stop being a creep.'
'Why can't I come with you?'
'I thought you liked being alone?'
'Good grief, I tolerate one person and they find me irritating.'
'...Want me to join you?'
'Do what you want.'
'Tsundere for yes?'
'Fine. Now get out of my head.'

Moving swiftly on, I think Nendou is pretty cool too. Actually, he's kind of hot. I think he's just so hunky-
Okay good Saiki is 100% gone.
I do not think that. I think he's alright, he's a little dumb, but again he's so caring. Even if he looks like a complete thug. Actually let me correct myself, he is so fucking dumb. But we love him! We love him. And he loves us. He's a genuine dude. I use that to describe a lot of people, yes, I know, but he just really is. He's nice. I like him. And I'm super grateful he keeps inviting me out to get ramen on our walks home, even if Kaidou complains about it. We talk mainly about his sports — he plays baseball, and really well, too. Home runs almost every shot. He also talks about his mum a lot; it's really cute and I rate him for being a mummy's boy, (we love a mummy's boy) but also, he makes so many dirty jokes.
So naturally he's right up my alley for friendship.

KAIDOU THOUGH. I love this short little guy, to DEATH. Oh my god. He's so goofy, he thinks we're all following along with his chūnibyō — well, not Nendou — and I'm literally just playing into it because he is too cute about it. He thinks he's all edgy but he's built like a care bear and he has a baby face, so it's not fooling anyone. Like buddy, your hair is too fluffy for you to be the "Jet Black Wings". Try the "Pastel Blue FuzzyPaws", because it fits better. He would kill me if I said that, but also I've bought him so many lollipops he probably wouldn't hold it against me. He's so sweet; whenever I offer to get him something or I just impulsively buy him something — he breaks character and starts saying "You don't have to do that!", but I just like the way his eyes shine at the little gifts.

A/N: I'm a Kaidou kinnie. He's my favourite but not for romance.

Damn, who else have I gotten close to? I feel like everyone else is kind of irrelev- OH, Takahashi! Well, actually, he's kind of just there. But we get one well enough. Like, he asks how my weekend was or if I have plans, and we just chat about school and normal stuff. He's more like a friendly acquaintance.

Saiki I've kind of just grown close to because he won't leave me alone. Okay, he's not in my head again, that's good. But he keeps doing that. I don't know why, but I mean... I've figured out he actually has to try to read my thoughts unlike with everyone else, and it feels like he's always there? Give me a break, sir. Sometimes if I'm not distracted with thinking my thoughts, I can almost feel him just floating around, hanging out. It feels... annoying. He's annoying me. I love him but he's annoying me. He's such an asshole, but then again, so am I, so we bounce off of each other and try our best not to laugh at each other. Sometimes he just shows up outside my house expecting to be let in because we're neighbours, and ✨sometimes✨I shut the door in his face 😀 and tell him to text me beforehand if he wants to come over! Speaking of, he must have been close by if he was reading my thoughts, because sometimes when we're both home he just texts me. Maybe his telepathy has a shorter range with me because he has to really focus to hear anything?

So that would mean he's waiting outside my house sometimes then. Because he can't reach from his room, even if I'm also in my room. What a weirdo. That had better not be the damn case.


hey pinky?

Don't call me that.


yk ur tleepahty


Nice one.

Yes, what about it?

shut up

yk how

u hv to like try to use it on me



does it have a range of where it

Wow, you're finally learning.

Yes it has a range.

give me a vague idea of the

Idk, for other people it's
around 200m.

For you it's around 20.

mhm mhm okay

remind me what the distance
between our rooms is again?
Read: 17:48



I shake my head and scoff, but can't hold back a little chuckle, too.

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