Psychic meets Psychic

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Lunchtime rolls around, and as the bell trills the students around me move in unison, packing their things away. The sound of zips being done up on pencil cases and bags, the scraping of chairs being pushed out as they all stand, paper flapping as books are hurriedly slammed shut and the occasional pencil or pen being dropped floods the room. A cacophony of students rushing to get to the canteen first.

I have my own lunch, so I take my time packing up. Don't really feel like being accidentally barged into by one of my classmates trying to get out of the classroom door first. I've been trying my best not to, but my anxiety gets the best of me and I switch on my telepathy to check why Saiki is also apparently taking his sweet time. As I'm about to do this, Nendou and Kaidou approach him and question him about eating lunch with them, to which he replies he'll catch up with them in a little while.

Shit. Shit. It's fine, don't overthink. Just pack up faster.
I discreetly use telekinesis to speed up the process, with my hands helping too - but seeming just so much more clumsy in comparison to my powers.

I forget about trying to use telepathy on Pinky behind me and instead focus on looping another song in my mind. What shall it be...? Fuck it, same as earlier today. Can't go wrong with a little Grent.

And with that, the thoughts fade out and the melodies flow in. I feel myself relax and begin to move almost mindlessly, letting the song reach the depths and corners of my mind as I sling my rucksack over my shoulder. I tuck my chair in and I hear someone speak.

'Oppu.' Blood runs cold again. I honestly wasn't bargaining on him actually starting a conversation - he didn't seem like the type. The song ends abruptly, so much so there could've been a record-scratch in my mind. Dreading it, I turn to face him.

'I need to speak with you.'

Sure enough, his lips don't move. Fuck it, we're doing this.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now