Next door Neighbour

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The four of us walk home together for the first time, and it's genuinely one of the nicest experiences I've had so far. Nendou and Kaidou's dynamic is hilarious, and Nendou constantly and consistently gets on Saiki's nerves without much effort at all. For the most part, I just experienced and observed, and I didn't even mind. Kaidou and I chatted a little too, with me entertaining his little fantasy before we all split off from each other at an "X" in our path.

Waving goodbye to Nendou and ruffling Kaidou's hair, I turned to Saiki, who was already watching me.
"So, which way are you going?" I walk back up to him, waiting for his response.
'Down here.' He points.
'Fine. Telepathy then.' I internally groan, before glancing down the road he gestured to. 'Huh. Me too.'

He shrugs and begins to walk, with myself in tow before I fall into step beside him, silence falling between us. I don't mind it, honestly. I feel like I don't need to talk to him to feel comfortable around him.

'I'm flattered.'
'Out of my head.'

I poke him in the side, but it feels like stone. Narrowing my eyes, I sigh and stretch my arms up as I walk. After a few minutes, we're still going in the same direction and I start to feel confusion set into my mind.

"Are you following me again...?" I look over at him, raising an eyebrow.
He looks back over at me. "I was about to ask the same thing."

I furrow my brow and fall silent again. We keep walking for a few more minutes, before my expression deepens and we go to run down the same street, both of us freezing and watching each other carefully.

"There's no way you live down here." I narrow my eyes.
"I'm not stalking you." He deadpans.
"Hmmm..." I frown, and continue down the road, catching his eye multiple times as we keep glancing at each other before we get to his house.

'This is where I live. Are you happy now?' He scowls at me, gesturing to his family name by the front gate. My expression drops and I stare at him.

'What?' He asks. I... don't know what to say.

"What?" He asks again, out loud this time.
"Come with me for a sec." I murmur, grabbing the cuff of his sleeve and dragging him to the house next door.
"You have got to be kidding me."
"We really didn't notice." I muse, as we stand outside my house.

We stand in silence for a couple of seconds, obviously both lost for words before Saiki speaks again.

"You'd better not bug me on the weekends. Or during holidays."
I scoff and roll my eyes.
"As if I'd want to."

I decide to flip my mental switch and take a peek at his thoughts, just because.

'Hm. Could've been worse, I guess. At least I don't have to ask for her number now.'

I roll my eyes and dig through my gakuran, pulling out my timetable and tearing a square of it off before writing down some numbers and handing the slip to him. He takes it, glancing between me and the paper as I fold my arms.

"Get out of my head." He smirks, and I push him.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now