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After we had established our plans, I left Saiki to be on my own again, just exploring the school. No doubt he was probably still stalking me, but I tried to push that out of my mind and just have a few minutes of normalcy.

'This is so stupid. This is so stupid.' Somehow I couldn't put my finger on just what I thought was so stupid, but one thing was for sure; it was about to get a whole lot stupider.

"Heyy, new girl!" A voice I didn't recognise. Well, figures - I'm new here, like this random boy says. I turn to face the kid, who's waving at me with a cheery smile. Purple hair - pretty big tufts of it - sticking out from underneath a white headband, and rolled trouser legs. Weird, I feel like I recognise him.

"Oh, so you really are wearing the boys' uniform." He says.
"Why do you sound so dejected at that? Jesus." I narrow my eyes at him.
"Huh?? You've seriously got your back up already?" He narrows his eyes in return and folds his arms, looking away from me in indignation. "Whatever you've heard about me already, it's not true!"

Intrigued, I entertain this overtly expressive kid. "Heard what? I don't even know your name."
He snaps immediately out of it and turns back to me with that smile again, holding his hand out to me. But it's a little more creepy now...
Reluctantly, I shake his hand and he speaks.
"I'm Toritsuka Reita. We're in the same class, but I didn't have time to speak to you yet. Oppu, right?"
I nod - ah, that's why I recognise him.
"Yeah, that's right."

"You know," He continues. "I transferred here just a few weeks before you." A grin flashes across his face, and it dawns on me. He's the previous transfer student that those girls were whispering about. The perv. "So I guess we're newbies together, huh?" He wiggles his eyebrows. I cringe.

"Uh-huh..." Yeah, this just got a whole lot more uncomfortable. I start checking for potential exit routes, when I hear someone approaching the two of us from behind me. Turning around, I see it's Hairo.

He was among the many students who greeted me on my first day - since he's in the same class as me. He's a little too intense for me, but from what I could gauge both through reading his mind and just observing him, he's a really good guy. So I'll let the intensity slide. It's not like I won't get a hell of a lot louder and more boisterous once I'm comfortable here, too.

"Toritsuka, Oppu," He greets us with a nod, standing with us both. "What brings you two inside? It's a really nice day out there." He raises an (outrageously bushy) eyebrow, waiting to hear us out. I start.

"Yeah, I was outside earlier but I just came in to walk around a bit." I shrug, technically not lying. I just wanted to get rid of Saiki.

'Good grief, I thought you said I wasn't that bad?'

Trying not to let the panic set into my expression, I reply. 'Stalker.'
'I'm not stalking you.'
'Then why are you in my head??'

"I just went to the bathroom, and then I saw Oppu here. Since I hadn't had a chance to introduce myself, I thought it was a pretty good opportunity to." Toritsuka smirks, garnering a slightly concerned smile from Hairo.

"That's... nice. I'm glad to see our class is welcoming you properly, Oppu. We're all glad to have you." He smiles more genuinely at me, and I return it. Hm. Maybe he's not so bad when he's tuned it down a little.

'The intensity? Yeah, he's okay when it's not so overbearing.' That stupid voice rings out again.
'Get out of my head.'
'Calm down. And to answer your previous question, I was making sure Toritsuka didn't make any moves. That's why I followed you.'
'So you admit it.'
'Oh, hush.'

"Honestly, I'm just relieved you're all so nice to me." I bow slightly to Hairo. "Thank you for taking care of me."
He bows more intensely, and lower than me, his voice raising. "No, Oppu, thank you! It may only be your second day here, but I can tell you're already bringing our class together more." He snaps back upright and holds up a fist. "With you as a new addition, our chain as a class grows longer and stronger. We have no weak links so far-" I try not to snort at the glance he fails to hide at Toritsuka. "-and you're adding to the strength we have in numbers. I owe you so much just for joining us!" He practically shouts that last part, and tears start streaming down his face, a cliche anime background fades in behind him. Oh god.

"That's... really nice of you, Hairo." I say awkwardly, stepping back a little from the two of them. "I think I left my lunchbox outside, but thank you again for your kind words." I glance at Toritsuka and hold two fingers to my temple, before flicking them away in a salute and walking away from the pair.

'Nice exit.' I turn a corner and see Saiki, standing there with his arms folded and leaning against the wall. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest and I punch him lightly.
"Jesus! Don't scare me."
'That really hurt.'
"Shut it." I huff and walk back outside, with the pinkette following. I stop and frown at him. "Don't you have friends to be sitting with?"
He stares at me blankly. 'They aren't my friends. They're nuisances.'
I shudder at his voice in my head. "Please just speak. Gives me the creeps." I mutter the last sentence, but he hears me.
"You shouldn't call your friends 'nuisances'. It's rude." I fold my arms.
"They aren't my friends." He mimics my movements.

I roll my eyes. "And you aren't my boyfriend, so quit following me around."
"I'm n-"
I cut him off. "If you want to talk, save it for our meeting. Or can you not wait two days?"
He glares at me and walks off. 'Fine, see you then.'
"I said get out of my damn head!" I call after him.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now