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'It seems like we do.'

He seems startled. What, why? Because I replied telepathically, too? What did he expect?

'I take it by now you've figured out that I know.' He replies, his "voice"(?) even and emotionless.

'You mean you got busted and now you're coming clean.' I retort.
'Hm... I think that goes both ways.'
'Yeah, actually, I think you might be right there.'
'Either way, I need to speak with you.'

I furrow my brow as I try to figure this guy out.
'We're speaking now. It's not like anyone can hear us, is it?'
'That's not what I mean.'
'Then by all means, explain what you do.'
'Does that count as a pun?'
'What? Does it matter?' I shake my head. Unbelievable.

'I guess not.'

This guy... I swear. He scares the shit out of me, and then pulls this. Granted, he still scares the shit out of me, he's bloody creepy with how apathetic he comes off, but at least he's actually talking to me now. Well, talking... uh... fuck it, this counts.

'Just- what do you mean we need to talk?' I switch to my voice. "And can we actually speak? This telepathy stuff doesn't sit right with me." A shiver runs through me, and Saiki sighs.

"Fine. Speaking." He takes a breath before continuing.
"I mean we need to talk in private. It doesn't matter that nobody can hear us if we speak telepathically, it's the principle." It feels kind of odd to hear his voice properly. Ugh, him speaking in my mind felt so icky. I wonder how nobody else notices.

"It's a stupid principle, but fine. Where?"
"Either a coffee shop or one of our houses."
"If I was in your house I would feel highly uncomfortable. And if you were in my house I wouldn't sleep for days after." I say, deadpan.
"Good grief, just say the coffee shop then."
"It's the principle."

Could've sworn I saw a smirk, but anyhow. "Coffee shop then. I take it you're choosing?"
"As if I'd trust the taste of someone who just moved here." Saiki scoffs.
I narrow my eyes. "How did you know that?"
"I just heard you mention it, don't worry so much." He rolls his eyes and folds his arms.

Man, this guy gets on my nerves. And I'm not one to be quiet about how I feel.
"No, no, you don't get to act like I'm the irritating one here. You're practically stalking me with how much you've been watching me and trying to read my mind. Stop being... whatever it is you're being." I gesture loosely at him with my hand.

He raises an eyebrow and drops his arms to his sides, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Grouchy?"

"God! Get out of my head!"

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now