Jealousy, Jealousy/Classroom Shenanigans

16 2 3

Day Three

Teruhashi P.O.V:

'It's just not fair! I don't understand. Why is this happening to me? Me? Of all people! For God's sake, I'm the perfect pretty girl! I'm kind and I'm gorgeous and that's all I need! The world revolves around me, and yet the boy I want doesn't. Even worse, I saw him staring at that new girl Oppu two days ago, and yesterday he was practically attached to her hip. What does she have that I don't? She's even wearing the boys' uniform. She has no sense of fashion or style, she's not prettier than me - maybe she's smarter than me? No, there's no way that's what Saiki has fallen for! She can't take him from me. I won't let her! I'll just have to get her to fall for my charms so I can convince her to stay away from him.'


'You get all that?' I glance at Saiki.
'I thought you didn't like me "in your head"?' He glances at me sidelong.
'You're irritating. And you say your friends annoy you.'
'They aren't my friends. They're nuisances.' He reminds me.
'So, what, you call them nuisance 1, 2 and 3 or something?' I joke, rolling my eyes and chuckling.
'Yes, actually, and that's nuisance No. 4.' He nods towards Teruhashi discreetly, who is staring intently at him. I raise an eyebrow at him.
'Then I guess you're my nuisance No. 1.'

He frowns. "That's my thing. You can't take it."
"Oh, so you're speaking now?"
"Good grief, do you want me 'in your head' or out of it?" He rolls his eyes. I narrow mine.
"Preferably out, unless it's convenient or the smartest option." I glare at him as I speak, before turning back around in my seat. He pokes my back with his pencil and I groan, turning back around again and staring at him.

He doesn't say anything. What a pain.
"What?" I ask, irritably.
"Don't take my... 'thing'."
"I'll call you a nuisance if I want to. Cry about it." I roll my eyes and turn around again. He huffs.

'Are we going to keep bickering like this?'
'Until you're less annoying, nuisance No. 1, yes, probably.'
'Good grief, you're difficult to deal with.'
'The feeling's mutual, Pinky.'

He pauses, I smirk to myself. He speaks telepathically again. '"Pinky"?'
'Connect the dots.'
He rolls his eyes. I don't see, because I'm turned away still, but it's almost like I can feel him do it.
'Keep rolling your eyes like that and they'll roll right out of your head.'
'Maybe I wouldn't if you stopped giving me reasons to.'
'Maybe leave me alone then.'

Admittedly, I feel a little bad, but then again it does get annoying when certain people are in your head all the time. Hm. Weird, he didn't say anything. He must've turned off his telepathy, or something - finally, that means I don't have to constantly worry about what I'm thinking about.


A/N: Sekayi assumes Saiki has the same ability as her; (to switch the telepathy on and off) she doesn't realise how hard Saiki has to try to actually read her thoughts.


Class drags by, and Yumehara leans over to me as the teacher turns around. I glance at her expectantly.

"Uh, Oppu?" She begins timidly.
"Hm? What up, Yumehara?" I tilt my head, and smile softly at her.
"I was just wondering - well, Mera and I were - you... you know how you wear the boys' uniform...?" She begins, seeming very unsure of herself.
"What of it? Don't worry, I can answer any questions you have." I try to reassure her, but honestly I can tell where this is going. One of two ways.

Yumehara seems slightly uncomfortable, but persists anyway. "Do you... are you... uhm..." She trails off, takes a breath and whispers to me, leaning in closer. "Are you transgender?"
Ah. So she went with scenario 2.

I chuckle to myself and shake my head, smiling.
"No, I'm afab and cisgender. Thanks for asking, though."
"What's afab?" She queries, eyes wide and innocent.
"Oh, it's stands for a female at birth." I confirm, and she nods her head understandingly. "I just feel more comfortable in trousers." I elaborate, garnering another understanding nod from her as she leans back into her seat, smiling a little and murmuring a quiet "Thank you.".

'Honestly, it's cute that she asked that.' I think to myself, before catching myself and thinking again. 'Go away. No, I'm not into her.'. My brow furrows at the lack of psychological intrusion, but I shrug it off as Saiki continuing to be salty about earlier in the lesson.

'Win-win.' I muse.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu