Chūnibyō and Façades Pt. 1

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Three main people had caught my eye upon entering this new classroom. One, Pinky. Two, some kid with red bandages around his arm. And three, some real pretty chick. I was planning on just getting to know two and three later, individually, but God had other plans. Or, the homeroom teacher did.

Kids swarmed up to me in their little groups, some giggling, some trying to flirt (I acted dumb and got out of it, yay) and others... uhh... well, I don't know what to call it, but, this:

"You've joined us at a dark time, Oppu-chan. You have no idea what you've walked in on, but I should warn you." Cue a dramatic hand-to-the-face. "Dark Reunion is upon us. Each day they close in closer and closer - soon the entire school will be in their evil grasp. In their chokehold! But fear not, fair maiden, I - the Jet Black Wings - shall be here to protec-" He was cut off by a thud on his shoulder, and the pale-blue-haired boy let out kind of a girlish yelp as some gorilla-looking guy practically slammed his elbow onto the poor kid's shoulder.

"Don't bore her with your bullshit, Kaidou, she's not gonna buy into that crap!" If this guy told me he smoked at least two packs a day, I'd have believed him going off of the way his voice sounded. He looked like a complete thug - with a blonde-dyed mohawk and buzz cut everything else. I smiled at them both wearily, already a little tired of everyone else coming up to me and bombarding me with questions, but willing to entertain them still.

"It's fine, really." I said through the smile, glancing between Kaidou and the unnamed other guy.

Unnamed guy stuck his hand out towards me, and Kaidou pouted. I shook his hand as he spoke.
"Name's Nendou Riki. This one's Kaidou Shun."
He jabbed his thumb to Kaidou, who looks like he completely switched up from being a full-out delulu "Hero by Night" to a shy little boy offering an even littler wave.

"So, not 'Jet Black Wings'?" I smirked, watching his face as pink slowly seeped into his cheeks. Before he could squeak out a response, I chuckled and rubbed the nape of my neck, relenting. "Sorry, just messing with you. It's nice to meet both of you."

Kaidou seemed to relax a little, and Nendou spoke up again. "Hey, what was your name again? Oppu Senki?"

I chuckled yet again and shook my head, changing my mind about the 'thug' pretty quickly. "Sekayi, but close enough, you know?"

He nodded in acknowledgment before grinning and grabbing someone else's shoulder, pulling them up (to my concern) forcefully. My smile faltered as I registered the undeniably pink hair. Nendou began to speak once more.

"This is my buddy! Saiki Kusuo." He seemed so proud that it was kind of sad that I felt such an overwhelming urge to avoid his 'buddy'. "He sits behind you, that's pretty cool." Nendou continues, albeit a little dumbly, but somehow I'm getting the vague feeling that it's endearing.

"Ah. Hi, Saiki-kun." I spoke in a small voice, avoiding eye contact and giving an even smaller wave. Huh. Guess I'm now feeling what Kaidou-kun was earlier.

'Just Saiki is fine.' Whatever timidity I felt beforehand vanished in that moment. Was I tripping? His lips didn't move. I swear they didn't. I tried not to let it show on my face, and prayed that my already faltering smile could be used to hide my shock. I blinked, nodded, and echoed back.

"Right. Just Saiki then."

Was this guy...? No, there's no way.

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