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This day is so long. God, it's only my second day here too. I ran out of the room shortly after that stupid.. boy... read my damn mind again. Yes, okay, fine, I read people's minds too. But I don't do it that often and I... I have anxiety! It's like I need to check or I'll have a nervous breakdown. I have an excuse. Okay you know what, I don't, that was bullshit. But at least I don't brandish the fact that I'm doing it right in front of their faces.

And I technically didn't 'run' out of the room, but 'stormed out' sounds like I was throwing a tantrum, and I definitely was not.

Anyway, as I look out over the cafeteria I decide that sitting inside is a stupid idea. I've spoken to quite a few kids now, but honestly I wouldn't call any of them my friends yet. (It's been a day and a half). Kaidou and Nendou are probably the closest so far, but I've honestly been avoiding them today because I was trying to avoid Saiki. That backfired.

So day two. Feels like I've been here too long already. I glance down at my lunch box and do a 180°, away from the canteen and head outside. The school grounds here are actually pretty nice, there's a couple garden-like areas with some benches, and as I wander through and explore this new territory I decide I'm actually too lazy to find the perfect spot, and this will have to do. A lone little bench in a mini courtyard-like area.

Taking the lid off of my lunch box with a sigh, I pick up a sandwich half and sink my teeth into it.

'There you are.'
'Oh, fuck off.'

I glare at Saiki as I chew, and my glare deepens as he sits next to me.
'Relax. You stormed off before we could decide a proper time and place.'
I scoff internally. 'I did not "storm off".'
'What did you do then? Run away from me?'
I shoot him a look.

'Shut up.'

'Technically I'm not speaking.'
I give him a "Seriously?" look. He relents, leaning back and sighing.
'Good grief. And usually I'm the one being followed around and annoyed.'
'Hm. How the tables turn.' I shoot back, still chewing.
'Am I really that irritating?' He tilts his head at me, and I glance away.
'I guess not. It's just been weird. And you were being grouchy first.' I sit up and sigh, swallowing and looking over at him.
'No, you were definitely being irritable first.'
"Your memory is cooked."
"Speaking now, are we?" Saiki sits back upright, switching smoothly.

I sigh and take another bite of my sandwich, thinking about my schedule and wishing it weren't so empty and wide open for "Chats with Saiki".

I begin to think to myself as I eat.
'Of course, I could just lie, but he would see straight through that. Then again, I'm pretty blunt. Just telling him no isn't off the table.'
My eyes flick back to him.
'Although I'm not exactly sure how that would go.'

He starts up again. "Are you open to suggestions?"
I weigh my options carefully. He most likely isn't going to leave me alone if I say no, but if I say yes, would that cause more problems for me?

Fuck it.

"Where are you thinking?"

We begin to plan our meeting. I am not looking forward to it.

Nuisance No. 1 || PLATONIC Reader x Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now