34- Rohan's Plan

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Manyata's POV

As Raghavendra's lips trailed along my neck, a rush of heat flooded my veins, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore. 

Each tender kiss sent shivers down my spine, and my heart raced with anticipation. 

In that moment, everything else faded away, and there was only him and me, lost in the whirlwind of passion.

But as quickly as it began, our intimate moment came to an abrupt halt with the piercing ring of my phone. 

Startled, I watched as Raghavendra pulled away, his expression clouded with regret and frustration. 

The sudden shift in his demeanor left me reeling, my heart sinking with disappointment.

I had allowed myself to be swept away by the intensity of our connection, believing that perhaps he felt something for me too. 

The way he cared for his family, the love he showed towards his siblings—it had all made me lose in him, despite my best efforts to resist.

But now, as he retreated to the safety of the bathroom, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable, I couldn't help but question everything. 

What had I done wrong? Had I misread his intentions? Was I foolish to hope for something more between us?

As I watched him go, tears welled up in my eyes, the weight of my emotions threatening to overwhelm me. 

I was caught in a whirlwind of confusion and longing, unsure of where to turn or what to feel.

With our marriage destined to end in just six months, I knew I shouldn't be harboring such feelings for him. 

And yet, the butterflies in my stomach refused to listen to reason, fluttering wildly in his presence.

I was losing myself in him, and I didn't know how to stop it.

Manyata's POV ends

Raghavendra's POV

As I pressed my lips to Manyata's soft skin, I felt a surge of desire course through me, overwhelming my senses. 

Her mere presence in that off-shoulder dress was enough to set my blood on fire, igniting a primal urge within me that I couldn't ignore.

But even as I indulged in that moment of passion, a voice in the back of my mind reminded me of the deal we had made—a marriage of convenience, lasting only six months before we went our separate ways. 

I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't let emotions get in the way, that I would keep my distance and stick to the terms of our agreement.

Yet, here I was, succumbing to the intoxicating pull of Manyata's beauty and charm. 

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