45- Announcement & Party

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Manyata's POV

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Manyata's POV

I stood before the mirror, the reflection of my adorned self smiling back at me.

My mind wandered back to the morning incident-the moment I wore Raghavendra's mother's saree.

The memory of his gaze, filled with admiration and warmth, lingered in my mind.

I remembered the way he held my hand, guiding me to his mother's room, as if he was eager to introduce me to a cherished part of his life.

A sense of happiness washed over me as I recalled how effortlessly he had opened up to me, sharing memories of his beloved mother.

In that vulnerable moment, he had allowed me into the depths of his heart, breaking down the walls he had erected around it.

It made me feel special, knowing I was the first person to witness that side of him.

The image of him as a vulnerable child, reminiscing about his mother, tugged at my heartstrings.

I remembered how he had leaned against me, seeking solace, and how I had gently caressed his hair, offering comfort in silence.

The feeling of his trust, his vulnerability, had left an indelible mark on my heart.

As I adorned myself with bangles, my face glowed with a newfound radiance.

I felt grateful for the bond I shared with Mr. Shergill, for the moments of intimacy and trust we had shared.

And as I prepared for the evening party, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that our connection ran deeper than mere words could express.

Manyata's POV ends

Nirved meticulously adjusted his tie, ensuring it was perfectly aligned with his crisp white shirt.

His gaze lingered on his reflection in the mirror, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

Tonight was the night he had been waiting for-the night when he would be announced as the CFO of the Shergill Empire.

Dressed in his best suit, he exuded an air of self-assurance, his mind already envisioning the prestige and power that came with the coveted position.

Meanwhile, Chitra stood before her own mirror, draped in an exquisite designer saree that accentuated her beauty.

The fabric shimmered under the soft glow of the lights, and she couldn't help but admire her reflection with a satisfied smile.

Tonight, she felt like a queen, poised to ascend to the pinnacle of success alongside her husband.

In their shared excitement, neither Nirved nor Chitra could foresee the storm brewing on the horizon.

Oblivious to the impending revelation that would shatter their dreams, they reveled in the illusion of their impending success, blissfully unaware of the chaos that awaited them.

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