The Speechless Moment

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Holaaa Folkss...This chapter is dedicated to all the WILLxNICO SHIPPERS...Thank You for checking this book...Here we have Will's POV... Hope yaa all enjoy it!!


Will's POV :)

As we were sitting in the common room waiting for the others, Death Boy entered the room in a black tux with his messy wet black hair resting upon his forehead. 

Slowly looking around, we made eye contact. As his brown eyes slid into my blue ones, I WAS TRYING SO HARD TO JUST BREATHE. (AWW WILL THE EFFECT I HAVE ON YOU *claps to himself*)

Walking towards the couch, Nico settled in beside me. At that same moment, Xander exclaimed, "Dude. Seriously. You have no other colour than black in your closet?!"

Nico retorted, "No Xan. I have Will's hoodies too." Then sending a wink towards my direction, I felt my cheeks BURNING wildly.

Percy entered the convo by messing with his messy hair even more, "Well...Zombie Dude, Whose funeral is it..."

Nico looks around the room then being the best comebacker I have ever known says, "Didn't plan on it yet." "DAMMM THAT'S TOO DARK." 

Knowing it's my turn to say something I join the *air quotes* serious conversation while smirking at Neeks, "Yeaahh I know right. Yesterday I saw this cute little fella scrolling through Pinterest and saw this comeback in one of the posts in the For You Page." 

He slapped my arm and counter-attacked, "Oh Will...Stop spilling my secret." "Never planned on doing that again *smirks* my sweet Ghost King." "I WILL GET BACK TO YOU LATER"

As I was going to talk to him, I was interrupted by Nash's voice, "Hey Kids...It is time to get to the airport." 

Taking the bags inside the luxurious black limo, I settled down sighing and closing my eyes. What a day. Feeling someone approaching me, I look up to see Nico smiling down at me which in turn brings a smile to my face too. That is the effect he has on me. Even if it is a tiring day, he makes my days so bright.

Sitting beside me, I put my head into his lap while he massaged my hair, drawing me into a slumber. A nap without any nightmares.

After about a while, I feel someone shaking my shoulders. Opening my eyes, I see Neeks with a gorgeous smile. In the background, all of our friends smiling dearly at us. 

Waking up, I see us in front of the airport with people rushing here and there as the flight starts boarding.

In the waiting area, I held Neeks hands tightly while putting my head on his shoulder. We both have been tried after the quest to the Underworld. Thinking about it, I remember the meeting with his stepmother and how she accepted our relationship which brings a smile to my face.

Distracted by our memories together after the quest, I heard a faint voice saying, "Dear Flight Passengers, Flight TB224 has now started boarding. Please go to the counter to check in and Have a nice flight!"


Hope you all loved it...The next few chapters will be EVEN MORE interesting...Stay tuned...



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