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*Adrian's POV*

I arrive home and park my car in the garage after dropping off Taylor and boy am I exhausted. Today was just too eventful. I can really see myself falling for Taylor. But I don't know if she sees herself falling for me.

I've never really been in love either. I usually stick to one nighters and never call again. You know?

No feelings. No pain. Just fun.

I sigh as I get out the car and walk inside. To my surprise the living room light is on and I'm met with a heartbreaking sight.

My father is passed out on the couch, clutching a photo of my mother for dear life. There's a half empty bottle of whiskey on the table next to him. I can't help but to feel his pain.

I know he misses Mom. I miss her too. That was his love. His everything. They were high school sweethearts. Been together since they were 15 and got married at 19.

I grab a folded up blanket that was laying on the recliner and tuck him in like him and Mom used to do when I was younger.

"There's no monsters. Even if there were we won't let them hurt you, you'll be okay," They'd say.

I so badly just want to hold my own father and tell him the same thing. That nobody can hurt him. That I'll protect him like he did me.

I want to console him. But how can I do that when I don't even know how to console myself?

I walk to the stairs and turn to face him one more time. I whisper an "I love you" and continue on up to my bedroom.

The sound of my alarm is something I will NEVER get used to. I know it's supposed to be annoying to wake us up, but geez man.

I wake up and get ready then head downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey Adrian," My dad says, cheerfully.

"Good morning father," I say while giving him a hug.

"Someone's in a good mood," he says while taking a bite of cereal.

"How could I not be? It's a good day to have a good day. Also, I'm trying out for the basketball team today," I reply to him while getting my bagels out the toaster.

"Oh really? You'll definitely make it, from what I've heard they have no talent here," He says with a slight chuckle.

"Maybe I will, but who knows," I say back while putting cream cheese on my bagels.

We eat our breakfast in a comfortable silence. Only for it to be broken with me saying my goodbyes.

"I'll see you later Dad, I love you," I say while giving him a hug.

"I love you too, fea," He says with a smile.

I squint my eyes at him while going out the door and go to my car.

I get into my car and throw my backpack and gym bag in the passenger seat. I'm ready to begin this day. I'm also kind of excited to see Taylor? Don't ask. Cause I don't know.

I arrive at the school quickly and meet Elijah at the door.

"Hello boss man," I say jokingly.

"Hey to you as well Scarface," He replies back while putting his arm around my shoulders, "You ready for tryouts?"

"Duh. Of course I am," I say back with a confident manner.

"Yeah I'm sure you'll make it, I know I will," He says with a cocky laugh.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I got to go to class now bye loser," I say while playfully punching his arm.

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