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*Taylor's POV*

Ever since that party a week ago, Adrian has been ignoring me.

I thought that we'd be okay but I guess we're not. I know it's my fault but she made me think we were okay.

And to make things worse, I have to cheer for her in the game tonight. It's one of the biggest games of the season.

It's the last game of the regular season for the basketball team.

I sigh as I walk out of the bathroom from getting ready and head over to the bleachers with the rest of the cheerleaders.

*Adrian's POV*

I make my way into the gym for the last basketball game of the regular season and see Taylor in the gym with the cheerleaders.

"Hey, Gomez," She says with a smile as she runs over to me.

"Hey, Scott," I say shortly without looking down at her.

"No stop. You've been ignoring me ever since that party. What the fuck is going on?" She says with her attitude showing.

"You could consider what happened at the party my goodbye to you, Taylor. I'm not wasting my time on someone who plays with my feelings and pretends I'm nonexistent until they realize I'm good enough," I reply back to her with the same attitude.

"Well you know what, fuck you. I poured my heart out to you. My parents are getting a goddamn divorce because I came out to them for YOU. I did all of that for you. And yes I fucked up but I admitted it, okay. I know I messed up. But you were never an option. You were my everything. Don't you get it? I'm in love with you Adrian Gomez. And if you don't feel the same then you can tell me," She says with anger but I see tears threatening to fall in her eyes.

I don't know what to say. So I lean in and kiss her.

But as soon as our lips meet, she backs away from it.

"I need words. Not kisses and sex," She replies and walks back to the cheerleaders.

She's right. I was so stuck on how she made me feel that I stopped focusing on my actions.

Yes, she hurt me and she messed up. But she admitted it. And I can see it in her eyes that she's truly sorry.

I put my head down in embarrassment and walk over to the locker room to get ready for our game tonight.

I send a text to Elijah and explain everything to him. He gives me an idea that I can't pass up. It involves our band.

I'll fix us, Taylor. I promise.

But I have a game to win right now.

I walk out of the locker room after getting ready and lock eyes with my dad in the crowd.

"Let's go Adrian," He yells while standing up.

I smile and shake my head laughing and turn to my team to get ready for tipoff.

The ref blows the whistle for us to get ready for tipoff and we get in formation.

We lose the tipoff and I go to guard my man, number 2.

She gets the ball passed to her but I jump in front and steal it. I run to the other side of the court and make an easy layup.

2-0. Nice start to the game.

I run back on defense as I hear Elijah, Dad, Uncle Sebastian and my bandmates screaming my name.

I love it when they show up to support me. It feels great.

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