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*Graduation Day*
*Adrian's POV*

I sit up in my bed and the sun shines brightly in my eyes.

"It's graduation day!" My father yells from outside my door.

At the sound of that, I immediately get out of bed and begin to get ready. I put on a t-shirt with cargo shorts.

I make my way downstairs and Uncle Sebastian and Elijah are sitting at the dining room table.

"Good morning Adrian," Elijah says with a bright smile.

"Good morning Elijah," I reply, reciprocating the smile.

"In just a few hours, we're gonna be graduated," Elijah says excitedly.

"I know it's crazy," I reply back as I sit down.

"I remember when you guys were rolling around in mud and now y'all are gonna be legal adults," My dad says with a chuckle.

"Watching them grow up has definitely been interesting huh?" Uncle Sebastian replies.

"Yes it has," My dad says.

My dad lays a nice and full plate of breakfast in front of me that I quickly eat.

"I'm so ready for tonight!" I practically yell across the table.

"Me too, man, me too," Elijah replies.

The doorbell rings and I get up to check it. I open the door and see Taylor standing there with a smile with her dad behind her.

"Hi baby," She says as she hugs me tightly.

"Hello, my love," I reply and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Good morning Adrian," Grady says with a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Scott," I say back as I move away to allow him to enter my house.

We release from the hug and make our way inside.

"Hey, Grady, how are you this morning?" My dad's bellowing voice says.

"Bittersweet," Grady says while hugging my dad.

"Ain't that the truth," Uncle Sebastian says after taking a gulp of orange juice.

"We're gonna go hang out with the rest of our bandmates, okay Dad?" I say as I motion for Elijah to get up.

"Alright, be back by 3!" He yells as we walk out the door.

"You know it!" I yell back.


I run upstairs to get ready for graduation. Me, Taylor, and the rest of Overkill hung out at the mall all day.

I put on my slim fit black and white suit with my black dress shoes and make my way down stairs.

"Look at you! You clean up nice," My dad says as he eyes me up and down.

"Why thank you," I reply back with a chuckle.

"Come on, let get you to the graduation," He says and leads me outside.

The ride there was quiet besides the sound of the occasional car horn. I took the time to soak in the fact that I'm actually graduating.

I step out of the car and make my way to wear we get our graduation gowns and caps.

I meet Taylor there and she eyes me up and down.

"Look at you, all sexy," She says with a giggle.

"Only for you," I say and peck her cheek.

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