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*Adrian's POV*

I sit up in my bed after a nice sleep. I look to the side and notice the empty space. She already left.

I frown and walk go to my bathroom to freshen up. Everything from last night hits me like a train.

The making out, her eyes, the butterflies I got from her.

The way she drove me so fucking crazy.

I wipe my face with a towel and look at myself in the mirror. She left hickies on my neck and down my chest and stomach.

Jesus christ. I wish we could do this more often.

I walk downstairs and I'm still alone. Tago left yesterday morning for Adonis's house so he could have a sleepover with his golden retriever, Bolt.

So I'm really alone.

I grab a bowl, cereal, and the milk and make my breakfast for the morning.

I scroll on my phone in between bites of Cocoa Pebbles and think of what to do today. The house is too quiet and lonely to stay here.

I wash my bowl and spoon and go back up to my room. I decide to go to the gym. I put on basketball shorts and a compression shirt.

I hop into my beloved car and make my way there.

The ride is short and sweet. My window was rolled down and the crisp morning breeze felt nice on my arms.

I walk into the gym and show them my membership card and go immediately to the bench press.

I do a few reps of a little bit of everything, besides legs because not right now, and I finish up in about 2 hours.

Nothing like a quick gym trip to start out your Saturday.

I get home and see that my father is finally home. Finallyyyyy.

I walk excitedly into the door and he lets out a loud laugh.

"Happy to see me fea?" He says with a grin.

"Yes, I missed you dear father," I say while hugging him.

"I missed you too stupid, Sebastian didn't wanna go to sleep until like midnight last night," He says, "Your old man cannot stay up that late anymore."

"Oh I bet. What are you? Like 90?" I say.

"I'm still in my 40s," He says and hits me upside the head.

"Ouch, I know I'm kidding Dad," I say while laughing.

I love these moments with my dad. When he shows his happy and cheerful side.

I cherish every moment.

"I have to go perform with the band tomorrow night, just wanted to let you know," I say to my dad.

"Your uncle told me last night, I heard yall are sold out tomorrow," He says with a proud smile.

"Yes we are, crazy how we started in a garage and now we're sold out," I say reminiscing.

"Well we all start somewhere! You know," My dad begins but I cut him off.

"Yes Dad, I know, you tell me this story a lot. You started in the projects with nothing, and now you have everything," I say perfectly summarizing his life story that he repeats to me quite often.

"Well I had everything," He mumbles in a quiet tone.

I don't think he knows I heard him.

"I love you, Dad," I say to brighten the mood.

"I love you too, mija," He says with a soft smile.

We finish up our conversation and I go upstairs to relax a little bit.

Soon, the tiredness of working out gets to me and I fall asleep.

*Taylor's POV*

I go to my bathroom and look into my mirror. There's no way in hell this is not a dream.

I let my fingers go over the hickies on my neck softly. The hickies she left. Her beautiful lips were all over me. And I didn't stop her.

In fact, I initiated it.

God, Taylor, how could you be so stupid?

You can't be gay. You like men. You're supposed to like Lucas Romano. The star football player. He's perfect for you.

My face turns to disgust as I think about my mother's words. She said Lucas Romano was perfect for me.

He's the son of Gaston Romano, the owner of this  supposedly big business that I've never heard of.

But I also don't pay attention to stuff like that. It's never intrigued me, I guess.

What my mother doesn't know is that I don't want Lucas. I want Adrian Gomez.

I want her lips. Her hands. Her scars. Her eyes. Her hair. Oh God, I want it all. I want it all to be mine. I want to be hers.

I let my heart get in the way of my head last night. And it cannot happen again.

Never again.

But I know it will. Adrian is so irresistible it kills me.

When she teased me, it flipped a switch I couldn't turn off. I couldn't control myself around her.

She makes me go insane over her. But I have to stay away from her. It's what's best for us.

Even though I'm literally gonna have to see her in her MEGA hot Overkill outfit at the concert tomorrow. Damnit.

Life makes everything so fucking difficult.

Like of course I have to see her when I'm trying to stay away from her.

I cover up the hickies on my neck with makeup and go to Aurora's house. She's just my best friend.

I get to her house quickly in my car and knock on the door.

Adonis answers with a smile and lets me in.

"Aurora is upstairs in her room," He says and puts his headset back on and focuses on the video game.

I just nod and go upstairs to see her.

I don't knock, I just open the door.

Big mistake.

"OH MY GOD AURORA- I'M SO SORRY," I say as my face goes red with embarrassment.

I just had to walk in on her and Isaiah making babies. Couples. Ew.

I hear some shuffling then a, "You can come in now."

I peek inside the door first and earn a snort from Isaiah then put my whole body into the room.

"Dang you cockblocker, what you barging in my room for?" Aurora asks with a laugh.

"I just wanted to see my bestfriend," I say with a traumatized look.

"My bad Tay," Isaiah says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I guess you're good," I say in fake sarcasm.

"Isaiah, you wanna be the best person ever and get us some lemonades from Sonic?" Aurora asks with a big smile.

"I guess baby," he says and kisses her forehead.

"Thank you my love," Aurora responds as he exits the room.

"So tell me all about last night Taylor Scott, and do not leave out any details," She says to me.

I look at her with surprise and immediately begin from the beginning. At the basketball game.

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