i - in which the four friends meet

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"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," a girl with frizzy brown hair inquired, a hand on the door of the train compartment. She was looking at the two boys eating in front of her. One had very messy black hair and glasses, and one had red hair and freckles, with a mischievous smile.

"We've already told him we haven't seen it," the red-haired boy named Ron replied, but the girl wasn't listening.

"Are you doing magic? Let's see it then," she gestured to his wand in his hand.

She sat down. Ron looked taken aback.

"Er—all right," he cleared his throat.

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow

Turn this stupid fat rat yellow

He waved his wand, but nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" said the girl. "Well it's not very good, is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter. But I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard—I've learned all of our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough—I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?"

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron muttered.

"Harry Potter," said Harry.

"Oh, I've–"

"Has anyone seen a boy named Neville's toad?!" a girl appeared out of breath, in their compartment.

They all turned around to look at her. "I already asked that," Hermione replied to her, looking annoyed.

The girl had very long dark brown hair and a couple of freckles. Her eyes were impossibly green, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "Oh. Sorry, then. I'm Valerie Faire."

"We've got to repeat this?" Harry asked, looking at both of the girls with a mixture of confusion and amusement on his face. "Harry Potter."

"Hermione Granger," Hermione said, looking the strange girl up and down.

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron said, grinning at Valerie. Valerie smiled broadly back.

"Well, I should be off to tell Neville that his toad's gone," Hermione said, stepping through the door that Valerie had just moved from. They watched her walk away towards the back of the train.

"Mind if I sit?" Valerie asked. "I don't really know anybody yet. I'm a half. Half witch, half muggle, you know."

(I'm half-and-half. Me dad's a muggle, Mum's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.)

"No, we don't mind," Harry said, making room for her next to him. She sat down and looked at him gratefully.

"You're Harry Potter, right?" she asked, surveying his face.

He pushed his hair up so she could see his forehead. "Yep. Here's the scar," he sighed.

"Wicked cool!" she laughed.

"That's what I said!" Ron giggled.

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