xix - in which valerie is not an owl

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"It's dragons, that's the first task," Ron ran up to Valerie, out of breath. "You can tell Harry."

"What?" Valerie froze. She didn't believe it.

"Hagrid showed me! You know, that day I left when the schools were arriving to go to the forest."

Dragons? Dragons were dangerous. It took several experienced wizards and witches to master the dragon, to control it. They were going to throw Harry in a pen with something that would tear him apart. They couldn't do that.

Valerie grabbed Ron's arm before he could bolt. "I'm not telling him anything, Ron! Get over this stupid feud and talk to him yourself. There he is now, see?"

Valerie pointed to the lone boy sitting on one of the benches surrounding the fountain. He seemed oblivious to the Beauxbatons girls chattering a distance away, pointing to him every now and then and giggling.

Ron shook his head. "C'mon, Val! Just this one time, I promise!"

Valerie sighed and trekked over to Harry, a weight in the pit of her stomach. Could she tell him about what could very well be his demise?

It'll be better if he hears it from me, she reminded herself, finally coming to a stop in front of his hunched-over figure.

"Ron said to tell you that he saw from Hagrid that the first task is dragons," Valerie said in one breath, clenching her fists at her sides.

"What?" Harry's head shot up. He looked at her with confusion in his eyes. "Can you say that again?"

Valerie could feel a white-hot temper rising within her, one she couldn't control. A hand reached up to touch her father's locket. In times where she felt like she could break, she just had to feel the little golden snitch. Her eyes closed for a second.

"I'm not an owl," Valerie said slowly. "Go talk to Ron."

Harry's face turned into an expression of disbelief, but he didn't get up or speak.

Valerie slowly walked away. She would leave Hermione and Ron to help Harry, to get him through what lay ahead in a couple of days. Tonight, she would lock herself up in her dorm and not sleep.

An Unbreakable Vow ~ Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now