xi - in which malfoy bakes a pretty decent cake

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"Today in Charms, we have a special guest," Professor Flitwick said, pointing his wand towards the door. In stepped a very fat lady, wearing obnoxious purple pants and a light green sweater. Valerie and Hermione exchanged confused looks, while Ron and Harry nudged each other and pointed to Draco's smug face across the room.

It was double Charms with Slytherin, and neither party was particularly enjoying it. It was right before the weekend, and Flitwick had announced at the beginning of the week that they would have some fun at the end of the week.

"Fun? I bet he's going to teach us how to move out wands in a clockwise direction," Ron had muttered to Harry.

"I bet Malfoy knows what the lesson is," Valerie whispered to Hermione, who gave Valerie a disapproving look for speaking during the lesson. The latter stood up in her seat and smoothed out her wild curls, making sure to look like she was paying precise attention. Valerie scoffed.

"As you might know," Professor Burbage started, "I am Professor Burbage. I teach Muggle studies here at Hogwarts. Today, I thought it might be fun for us to learn more about Muggle cooking, since in Charms, you're coming up on your home improvement, i.e. cooking with witchcraft, unit."

The class collectively groaned. Who wanted to learn about how to cook? They were all still teenagers, for goodness' sake.

Burbage pulled out a small caldron and set it on a table next to Neville, who looked afraid. He shied away from it. "Today, we are going to be making a cake. Now, muggles don't use wands, so you will have to put yours away. More groaning from the students.

Valerie rolled her eyes and put her wand back in her school bag, muttering a short spell so that it would be lighter to carry.

"Now, now, class. I need you to go in pairs of two. Yes, that's right. Your ingredients are already on the tables. There are instructions in the book next to your caldron. Make sure to use what muggles call 'a whisk'."

While these instructions are being spoken, Hermione grabs Ron's hand. "Now, Ron, want to be with me?"

"Sweet! Free A!" Ron whispered towards Valerie, following Hermione to their table. Valerie found Harry and settled at a table with him, which happened to be across the room from Ron and Hermione's and right next to Malfoy's.

"That's rotten," she muttered to Harry under her breath, gesturing to the smug-looking blonde boy. Harry just scowled.

They were relatively quiet as they sorted out and added the ingredients. Valerie stared at the concoction they were making. "Um, I think we're doing it wrong," Valerie said to her partner after a while. "It's just plain tan the entire time, and it's liquid. Isn't it supposed to be...you know...a cake?"

Harry chuckled and poured the mixture from their caldron into a round pan. "You bake it first. Isn't your mom a muggle? Didn't she ever make cake?" He raised his index finger to his lips and pulled his wand out of his bag, whispering a spell. The batter fluffed up. He slipped his wand back in his bag as the professor passed.

"Yep, plenty of times. I never stuck around for it. I'm not very good in the kitchen. I come down from my room, and poof! cake!" Valerie said, rolling her sleeves up. She stared helplessly at the frosting ingredients, shaking her head.

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy!" the professor exclaimed. Harry and Valerie turned to see the perfect cake, frosted with green, sitting on a plate on Malfoy's table.

"Well, Malfoy's a dingbat, but at least he knows how to make a decent cake," Valerie shrugged.

"I bet he used magic when nobody was looking," said Harry.

"Hmm, I wonder, was he the only one?" Valerie nudged him.

(A/N): I love writing Hogwarts classes. It's so interesting to think about the various assignments the students did in their various subjects. Also, I wanted to inject a little bit of humour and more Varry (Halerie?) moments here.

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