v - in which the dementors crash quidditch

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"Go Harry!" Ron yelled through the thunder crackling in the skies. The rain poured over them in waves, making it hard for him to see anything.

Hermione was seated next to Valerie, and Valerie was next to Ron. The three of them held their hands over their eyes, squinting to make out anything in the game that was happening before them. Blurs on broomsticks zoomed by.

"I can't see anything!" Hermione complained. "Who knows what Harry can see! The snitch could be all the way to France and we wouldn't know!"

"Well, what are we going to —"

"Impervious!" Hermione said, pointing her wand to the dark blur that was Harry. They watched as Harry turned to face the bleachers and gave a half-hearted smile. Or at least, they thought it was a smile.

Valerie grabbed Hermione's arm and pointed to the sky. A small golden dot appeared. "Look! It's the snitch!"

They watched as Harry dived, and then it was just in his reach —

All three of them suddenly felt cold. Valerie reached up to rub her arms, trying to bring warmth back into her body. She felt like she would never be happy again.

"Hufflepuff wins the game!" the announcer boomed. Valerie looked questioningly over to Hermione.

"What? But Harry was —"

"You missed it. Demontors! Harry collapsed!" Hermione panicked, grabbing Valerie's hand and starting to lead her to the field.

"Wait! Rematch! Harry colla —" Cedric Diggory called out. Nobody listened. His teammates lifted him up in the air as his scowl turned into a half-smile.

Valerie ran back to grab Ron's hand. "C'mon, Ron. We're going to go find Harry."

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