xiii - in which the foreign visitors arrive

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The great hall was all aflutter with excitement. Hearts were racing, and people were laughing and talking as they waited for the arrival of the foreign visitors. Hogwarts looked beautiful, especially dressed up. Valerie stood next to Ron, Harry, and Hermione in the crowd, struggling to see over the heads of people. Ron had lifted her onto his shoulders, struggling to stay upright as she leaned on his head with her hands to try to get a better look without falling.

"I find it hilarious that you're giving Valerie a piggyback ride," Harry chuckled, stopping abruptly when Ron shot him a dirty look.

"Ron, spin around a bit. I need a better angle," Valerie said, tapping Ron on his head.

"You're heavy," Ron grumbled, but began turning on the spot, trying not to bump into the others in the crowd.

"Look, there!" Valerie pointed, and the others tried to follow her finger. Harry's eyes widened, his face breaking into a grin. "Wow."

A large carriage was flying out of the sky, its banners waving proudly.

"Beauxbatons," Hermione smiled, tapping Ron on the shoulder.

Ron yelped out in surprise, his grip on Valerie's legs loosening. Valerie tumbled off of Ron's shoulders and fell to the ground with a loud thud. "OW, RONALD!" Valerie complained, wincing.

Harry hurriedly bent down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Valerie! Are you okay?!" He panicked, his voice rising higher and higher.

Valerie laughed. "It's alright, Harry. Calm down. After all, I just got a bruise." She showed him a deep purple mark on her arm.

"You've got to go to Madam Pomfrey's," Harry insisted, grabbing her elbow to steady her as she got up.

Valerie shook her head. "I want to meet the newcomers. I'll be fine as long as you support me," she explained, wrapping an arm around Harry and leaning her head onto his shoulder. "Just make sure I don't fall."

He tightened his grip on her and nodded, a lump forming in his throat. Hermione had missed the whole thing, however. "Ron's gone! He ran off as soon as they came. Valerie, Harry! He ran into the forest!"

Valerie tried to break free from Harry's grip, but Harry held on tight. He pressed his lips close to her ear, his breath hot. "Valerie, please. They'll find him. Please!" The crowd had parted, and Dumbledore was walking down the path.

However, Harry and Valerie were still leaning on each other right in his way, oblivious to the sudden change.

"Harry, Miss Faire," Dumbledore cleared his throat. The pair's eyes immediately darted to the headmaster. "So sorry to interrupt, but it seems our visitors are here."

Harry held Valerie tighter and walked her to the side next to Hermione. watching as the carriage and a large ship that had emerged from the lake opened, giving way to large groups of kids.

"Harry —" Valerie pleaded, pointing towards the forest. "Harry, what about Ron?"

The dining hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the foreign visitors were walking down the aisles looking for tables, and the group was sitting at their Gryffindor table, eagerly waiting to see where the newcomers would sit.

Valerie's eyes lit up as she watched the Beauxbatons group, their cheeks rosy and their blue uniforms glimmering in the icy splendour of the hall. Many of them were wearing scarves to protect themselves from the cold.

"The fools, wearing silk robes in this weather," Hermione sniffed.

But Valerie wasn't listening. Her eyes were glued to the one young man. His eyes were darting back and forth, scanning the tables as if looking for someone. Finally, his gaze rested on Valerie.

Valerie blushed and turned away from Cedric's gaze.

The room was so loud with the laughter and chatter of students that barely anybody heard the huge doors open, and only Valerie, Hermione, and Harry saw the red-headed young man walk down the aisle.

Valerie abruptly pushed her chair out with a loud screech, and jumped into the boy's arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face tightly into his chest.

"Ron!" was her muffled reply.

Ron finally released her, but they were still standing inches apart. Valerie smiled, but then frowned and slapped Ron hard. "OW!" Ron exclaimed, holding his red cheek. "What was that for?"

"For making me worry about you! Where have you been, Ronald Weasley?!" Valerie reprimanded him.

"Sorry, sorry. I can't tell you just yet. I was down to see Hagrid, saw him waving for me."

"Hagrid?" Valerie was practically fuming. "Pull that stunt again and you'll be dead before you can say 'spiders'!"

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