xviii - in which the girls (and neville) have an admirer

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Hermione, Neville, and Valerie were sitting at a table in the middle of the library. Hermione was poring over texts about the history of the Triwizard Tournament; Neville was holding his head in his hands, muttering something about his brain hurting, and Valerie was staring at a table that a couple of Hufflepuffs were sitting and talking at.

"When did you start noticing Cedric Diggory?" Neville nudged Valerie, snapping her out of her reverie.

"What?" she said dazedly, her head turning to look back at Cedric.

"He's going to notice you staring, you know," Hermione said in a know-it-all tone, turning another page in the ginormous book.

Valerie spent her days here, trying to avoid facing both Harry and Ron. Ron because she knew he was offended about her 'taking sides' with Harry, and Harry because he had been acting stiff around her all the time.

Neville and Hermione were good enough company, and sometimes Ginny joined them.

"Hey, Neville, you can borrow my book on Herbology, if you want. You've just got to promise to buy a S.P.E.W. badge," Hermione interrupted.

"Not that spew thing again," Neville groaned.

"I can agree with what Ron said earlier on this one, Hermione. The elves don't want to be freed or paid. They freak out about it."

Hermione fumed and slammed her book. Valerie was a bit dazed, because she didn't think she had ever seen Hermione mistreat a book. Before she could open her mouth, Hermione put a hand in front of her mouth.

"Shh!" she whispered. "It's Krum and his followers again."

Valerie spotted the burly figure and his group of fellow Durmstrangs out of the corner of her eye, refusing to turn her head. A group of fifth year girls were hiding behind a bookshelf watching him.

"Oh, that's not creepy at all," Valerie rolled her eyes.

Hermione's cheeks turned a bright red. Valerie was quite confused. She didn't think she'd ever seen Hermione...blush? Why?

Then she turned to look at Krum again. He was staring quite intensely into Hermione's eyes.


Valerie tugged on Neville's arm and leaned in to whisper, "What's going on?"

"Krum's looking?" Neville's eyes went wide, and he quickly looked down at the table and grabbed a book, holding it so the words were upside down. Valerie could just make out the words, How to Impress a Witch.

"I think you've got an admirer," Valerie said to Hermione, who was now busying herself with reopening her book. Valerie could see her friend's eyes darting back and forth over the page, moving too often for Hermione to actually be taking in any information.

"Shut up," Hermione said threateningly, kicking Valerie under the table. "Just shut up and look at the Hufflepuff table. But don't make it obvious."

Valerie turned slightly to the side, looking for what Hermione was so embarrassed about. She didn't catch the small grin that was on Hermione's face, however, before she looked.

Cedric seemed to be taking a page out of Krum's book. His elbow was propped up on the table, his chin resting in his palm. His eyes danced across her face, partially in amusement, partially in...was he looking at her?

She panicked, rubbing her hands together under the table. She was suddenly hot and sweaty. Oh, why did he have to look at her like that?

Valerie mustered up the courage to send a small smile his way. Cedric smiled back, and then turned back to his friends, the goofy smile still plastered on his face.

The big doors to the library creaked open, and Valerie heard a loud "shush!" and then a voice whispered back, "Sorry, sorry."

Harry pulled out the last chair at their table and sat down next to Valerie. "Hey. What's up?" he asked awkwardly.

Since when did Harry go around asking what was up with her? She felt like their friendship, which had once been easy, was now strained and fake. She didn't know why.

Actually, she did know.

It was when Harry got put in the Triwizard Tournament.

Valerie sighed and murmured a "nothing much" back to Harry, only partially paying attention. Her gaze was still stuck on the boy across the room. Cedric was still half-smiling.

Was it because of her? Did he like her? Oh my goodness, I'm overthinking this. Wait, does Cedric Diggory really — oh buzz off, Harry!

"Is that Diggory?" Harry had asked, nudging her arm.

Valerie nodded impatiently. She thought she caught a frown on his face, but then she looked back and it was gone.

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