xxiv - in which ron discovers hermione's a girl

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The day of the Yule ball was fast approaching. The quartet of friends sat at a table in the common room, with Ron spinning his wand between his fingers, Harry rereading his book Quidditch Throughout the Ages, Hermione studying for exams already, and Valerie trying to levitate one of her textbooks.

Harry was nervous. Every time he tried to approach Valerie, every time he tried to talk to her, Hermione or Ron or Neville or Ginny would interrupt and whisk her away to play a game of wizards chess or consult about dresses.

Harry wasn't even sure if Cedric had asked her yet. If Cedric had, then Harry was screwed, because he knew about how Valerie felt about Cedric. Heck, Ron himself had confirmed it one night during a late conversation they had in the dorms.

Valerie laughed at something Ron said, and Harry felt fairies fly around in his stomach. Of course Cedric had already asked her. Why would he not have asked her?

"Why would I do it?" Ron said wildly. "I don't know what made me do it!"

"What?" said Harry.

"He — er — just asked Fleur Delacour to go to the ball with him," said Ginny. She was patting Ron's arm sympathetically, but her small smile told Valerie that she was holding back a laugh.

"Is that the champion from Beauxbatons?" Valerie asked obliviously.

"Honestly, are you living under a rock?" Ron said to Valerie, scowling furiously.

"I'm sorry if I don't pay attention to the Life of Ronald Bilius Weasley and his various shallow crushes," Valerie retorted, smacking Ron on the arm.

"OW!" Ron said dramatically, rubbing his arm.

Ron buried his face in his hands. "There were people — all around — I've gone mad — everyone watching — and she was smiling — and I did it! She looked at me like I was an ugly little slug and didn't say anything and then I just ran for it."

Ginny patted Ron on the shoulder. "She's part veela, that's what Harry said," she tried to reassure her brother. "It wasn't your fault."

"This is mad," said Ron dully. "We're the only one's left who haven't got anyone! You know what? Neville asked Hermione!"

"What did she say?" Valerie asked, very much amused at Ron's dramatic state.

"She said she was already going with someone," Ron replied, matter-of-fact. "You know, she just didn't want to go with Neville... I mean, who would?"

"Don't laugh!" Ginny said.

Hermione climbed through the portrait hole, annoyed. "Why weren't you two at dinner?"

"Because — oh shut up laughing , you two — because Ron's just been turned down by Fleur!" said Ginny.

That shut Harry and Ron up real quick.

"Oh thanks Ginny,' said Ron sourly.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find someone who'll have you," Hermione said loftily towards Ron.

Valerie didn't like the way Ron was staring at Hermione. He looked as if he had just seen her in a whole new light.

"Oi, Hermione... you're a girl."

"Oh, well spotted," she said acidly.

"Well you can go with one of us, and Valerie, it's your lucky day, you get to take one of us, too," Ron said triumphantly.

A deep blush rose on Hermione's face. "I'm already going with someone."

Valerie was rooted to the spot. "I'm — I can't," she finally sputtered out.

Ron's expression turned defeated. "But —"

"And just because it's taken you three years to spot it, doesn't mean I'm not a girl!" Hermione said nastily. She went back out the portrait hole, pausing first to grab the nearest book.

Ron was left stunned. "Harry, what are we going to do? Valerie, c'mon, has someone already asked you?"

"Yes, but —"

"Who is it, then?"

"Just let me talk before you keep interrupting me!" Valerie exploded. "You're insufferable, Ronald Weasley!"

Valerie turned around to follow Hermione out of the room, not really caring where she went. She had a pretty good idea who Hermione was going with, judging from the looks Krum had given her friend in the library. She stomped down the hallway before she felt a hand grabbing her wrist and twisting her around.

"You forgot this," Harry held up her little locket. "On the table, I mean. Ron could've gotten his hands on it and tried to open it. You know he doesn't know what it means to you."

They were alone in the hallway now.

Valerie took the locket and tried to tie it around her neck, but her hands kept fumbling. Before the locket could slip from her fingers, Harry caught it.

"Do you need help?"

Valerie nodded gratefully, turning around so he could fasten it around her neck. She pushed her long hair out of the way.

When he was done, he turned back around to face her.

"Did Diggory really ask you to the ball?" he asked nervously, almost cautiously.

Valerie was startled, but she answered quickly. "He did. But I couldn't say yes."

"Why?" Harry said, as if he had any right to ask her.

"Because I told him that I wanted to go with someone else," Valerie answered, conceding his right.

Her heart was pounding, her eyes locked on his. She wanted desperately to hear what he would say, yet she also wanted him to leave it at that.

"Who?" he asked.


Harry was rooted to the spot. Valerie was afraid. Afraid she had said too much, ruined their friendship. But then he held his hands out, and she slipped hers into them. They were warm, calloused, and rough — a contrast to her smooth skin.

"Do you still want to?"


"Valerie Faire, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she smiled. He squeezed her hands and smiled back.

"No, really. I thought you'd never ask," she clarified.

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